Friday, March 25, 2011

What Happens To The Food In The Stomach?

A cactus!

Today I got into gardening and I made this cactus.Compré the pattern in Sitges, and it cost me to choose the model of many who had. This is the cactus
spring and the best ... that should not be watering.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Seat Alhambra Diagnostic Location

origami flower!

Today I made this origami flower, and this time has special meaning because it is a tribute to the tragedy so great living in Japan.
This flower represents hope, and it is my reminder to many Japanese who are suffering the effects of an earthquake and a tsunami after the first.
The flower is a snap to take on the lapel or purse, and I remember that the earth is alive, and we must take care that these tragedies are due to many years without imposing our will respect what gives us life.
I encourage you to bring your own origami flower, the tutorial will find in
You know that I'm really bad with your computer and upload pictures only (for now).
If you want you can send photos and I will publish. A hug

How Many Calories Are In Cookies

You really exercise free will?

Last Saturday I enjoyed one of my passions, movies in the cinema, and saw a interesting science fiction movie called Hidden Fate . This film is based on a story written by de1942 Philip Kindred Dick , one of the great writers of the genre, author of renowned works, including most notably "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", Which was inspired Ridley Scott to shoot the legendary Blade Runner. How curious say Kindred could not see the outcome of the film adaptation of his work he died shortly before the premiere.
destriparos Trying not the movie, I can say to that story focuses on the loss of a human being's free will that has failed to make good use . Superior beings, to see what man is capable of destroying everything around him, and even hurting himself, decide to write a plan that nobody can go out and to ensure the survival of the world.
This intense thriller we brought my wife and me a lively debate on freedom and destiny, about living life or let us live this to us, on the right or duty free will .
Schopenhauer said destination shuffles, but we decide how to play , but I wonder you really choose to do it? Maybe it's a coincidence or a combination of not very positive vision of society that we live, but honestly I think most people wander through life on autopilot, unconscious, asleep, leaving it to others to decide for them .
On a personal level know how many people live the life they want? Have a job you enjoy, share their lives with the couple that truly love, which fill every minute, as Kipling said, with sixty seconds it take to heaven ... How many? And know how many to rebel against the life that do not like? How many do change jobs, why let your partner or what truly take charge of your life?
And in organizations? From my point seen plenty of people who merely do the job that sent them. Do not care to improve or learn. Why not take advantage of the training activities that do not participate do not contribute, do not get involved ... But I do criticize the ferocity and cowardice of a hyena, corrosive and hurtful because everything that happens is not their fault but the others. The other day the blogger exciting @ MyLetterG said on Twitter that is easier to be victim accept personal responsibility, how true! What good is criticism destructive refuge for the mediocre, which is convenient insult for those who do not dare to make decisions.
How could it be otherwise these behaviors do not stop there, and are reflected to level of society where we are called citizens. But why citizens? If we abdicate our power in some irresponsible politicians, if we do not question our ideas and voted on by inertia, if we give up tasks for our community, whether as a plaintive cry of terrible misfortunes that occur thousands of miles away when we are not able to help your neighbor front that lost their jobs and can not support his family. He said the Greek thinker De Lindos that more manageable city that he feared would be more social criticism than to the law . It seems that more than twenty centuries later, confirmed his theory.
probably education we received, and we are punishing our children and young people have a lot of blame for our behavior , our ties, fears to be ourselves. If we educate for permission instead of asking for forgiveness, if we work in businesses which gives us our future professional chewed instead of encouraging our initiative, and also if we live in a society which contains prohibitions based and fines without developing our responsibility How can we exercise our free will?
certainly is difficult but not impossible . Our society, our businesses and even our lives need a transformation, and for that we must wake . We must resolutely carry the precious treasure that our forefathers gave us by giving his life in exchange for freedom. We have to make a difference, to revolutionize the world, starting with our microworld, but not with a stick in hand, but with courage and responsibility to make decisions and be consistent with them .
what your actions are as big as your thoughts!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Cell Respiration Questions With Answers


Floor occasionally go to the Social Courts to attend a dispute, especially to keep things in perspective and keep close to a reality that at least still exists and that sometimes the managers of people we move too. Typically, soil choose a certain timing issues with some complexity, some of them emblematic companies and complicated issues and of tremendous attention (harassment, breach of good faith, loss of confidence of managers, discrepancies in the relationship, moral damages, etc. ..).
The last case that "has come to hand" involved 4 directors of a multinational Japanese automotive, now under the umbrella of a French multinational group, with several centers in Spain and that chance oh! !, and in which more than 20 years ago I formed a very active part of the first project in which I was pleased to participate, "Incorporation of Talent." These people joined about 21 years to that company and have during this long period had a career that could be called successful, have held positions of responsibility and have a salary that would commensurate with their duties. In sum, certainly have been admired, envied, hated, loved, rejected, etc. When very indirectly - I switched to another company soon, I have been aware of his successful career did not stop feeling a certain pride and satisfaction, while a ratification of what's new talent to the organizations was Well, the end of the "facts are good reasons."
Suddenly, an unexpected change in the Directorate General of factories where they were performing their jobs, are removed from their functions and in a short time fulminant dismissed. As the place where the events occur is a province and a town where "everybody knows" the social and media impact is very high and it rains, it pours, as the former Director General "alma mater" of factories, few years earlier been fired in the absence of a few weeks for their retirement and refloated after companies from scratch in the harsh post-crisis era of the late 70's. Leo
carefully the Court of Justice, and do not leave my utter amazement. The sentence that has no waste, but for the layman in legal terminology might be a bit tricky, it says that is not seen none of them committed no offense and in any case has not been demonstrated. Covers all of them, four - some more than others, of the total defense since the rules of the company at the time of authorizing certain transactions were not responsible and set out clearly its limits. And this is where I dwell a little more, is that these people are acquitted of the facts against them and therefore declared their dismissal as unfair. We are hawking everything from business and from its human resource addresses a key for companies to improve their competitiveness is to create spaces of freedom "and" create environments for innovation and creativity "that flies in the face with the policies and systems of the companies trying to" procedimento "all under very prescribed and specific rules. Reached the "moment of truth" both sides are often sneak in defending their interests to show that it was not and that they followed at all times with company standards. And I wonder, is it not a paradox to claim that employees take risks while creating extremely rigid rules? In a case such as briefly set out what I think I think those who stay in the organization? Will you take a decision minimally risky but could be very beneficial for the company? This creates a paradox, in my opinion, leads to an organizational paranoia, paranoia is determined mainly by two types of distressing feelings, one that is usually defined as "persecution mania" and another as "delusions of grandeur", other , but these are the most common. If in the end, we generate are organizations in which some of the people who comprise it inevitably feel constantly persecuted by uncontrollable forces and others with an air of grandeur and with a desire for grandeur and dictatorial behavior, Do you believe that in these environments will be possible to have productive and edifying? Indeed the four directors have been compensated and unfair dismissal but who replaces them their reputation and credibility as well as the suffering of these past months? and above all who will ensure that those who have been moving a finger, risking or assume responsibilities beyond the provisions in the rules?

Monday, March 21, 2011

Lia Sophia Invitations Wording

Cathedral Windsor!

took days without going to the blog and it is because I am busy with this new work is a tapestry with cathedral windows technique is not difficult to do, but laborious and takes much fabric.
Anyway I like the result will be a tapestry and I will be making progress until it is finished.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Difference Between White Cricke

A long quarter ... I

... is that we have this year. As of late April next Easter we have almost four months work. Is a quarterly quarter (I hope that this expression is not incorrect though it is contradictory.)

In general, we all come good holiday. So corny is the periodic rest after all the efforts we take everyday. In ordinary language, is good to "switch off", as we say to each other.

few months ago a manager commented that "recharging your batteries." That between the holiday periods were spent batteries and charging those days allowed him and return refreshed.

How many are professionals, we know, they require the holidays? The first response, which immediately arises is: everyone. However, if you rephrase the question: how many professionals there, we know them are unnecessary or superfluous? We begin to think that there are some professionals (and also all know examples) that do not require at least not to the same degree of need.

In our professional lives have been shirking situations, avoidance of brown (a more appropriate term may be avoidance of responsibility), the "card" to use a common term known to all. I'm not talking about the Public Administration (also). I refer to private, competitive and responsible, requiring the effectiveness of its employees to survive ... everyone says that private companies "that (the shirking, the nerve) not tolerated, "what counts is results. But everyday experience tells us that it is not. Yes tolerated and that it does.

Hence the indignant question asked by those who do need to leave (because they have stopped trying to hide out or keep your business afloat) is: Do they not realize the leaders, managers, who have responsibility, and charge for this, they have to take action and recognize the good work and berate the bad job?

No. Apparently there are situations in which no one realizes what is happening and turn heads and managers tend to turn to evade its responsibilities

Thus arise those topics that refer in a vague and general commitment to motivate the already motivated. Or say you have to work together and collaborate with others as a euphemism to cover up job you have to ask the sloth. Or that "there was a miscommunication" to justify the unjustifiable.

the same way that there are professionals who need vacation, there are professionals who do not are so necessary.

The most serious of all, there are managers or team leaders who may need them more than anyone else because it must be very stressful to be aware of a situation and be constantly wrapping to not "sing" or, alternatively, must be very tiring to be every day with my eyes closed to not see what is obvious.

In any case, is a quarter long and, for the holidays, there are still a few weeks. To all who need rental: a little patience.

Can I Use A Hp 56 Ink Cartridge Instead Of A 54

T-shirt for my niece! Case

I just finished this shirt, I found very funny sheep, and you tell me the eyes with eyelashes?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


mineral water 2.0 ... please.

few days ago I attended as an observer at a round table setting forth various views on the future of the HR function and importance of human capital in these special moments in which we find in our beloved skin bull.

The result, disappointing, nothing new under the sun.

The speakers, directors of the prestigious function even more prestigious companies, poured the mantra that every reader can guess, namely, we have to focus on the best people, we are at the time of the people ..., we speak of learning and not training, it is teams continue to form even in times of crisis ... .. etc.. " Sound familiar? ...
is noteworthy, and forgive me, but I did not refuse to share with you the vision that gives us another participant of the table about how will be the future Director of HR: " shall, said, have a thinking brain, to drink water, get up early and go to the gym every day . " There is nothing friends, "ojiplático" I have left. Let the very Christian, with forgiveness, could play that role, in short, is what the Christian joke I say as I understand it was also what was said there because if not ....

Well, far deeper into the hackneyed theme, but last name is now "2.0" I would like to reflect on the poor sister-not narrowly important role but so, as the British say, "commodity" thereof.
Yes folks, our beloved role of training, training or better known as understood in our SAR training function is, to prepare someone for a certain task.

Given the dramatic circumstances in which it is Spain, the commitment to train our workers in the short term efficiently for new or different tasks will be critical.
is where companies and their leaders is the play more than ever.
no longer worth
coffee for all, or courses fill the budget-this or that supplier "historical " ... - but that demand new air , lift the carpet and let fresh air ... seek new methods for training, new ways to bring knowledge ; learning genesis value generator.

For this, there are already many solutions that use technology as an ally to train and I am not referring strictly to the 2.0 - that I think is more a philosophy of sharing information, not a platform that ensures acquire new skills, "though in this "scene" we are accustomed to taking the medium as an end in itself, is like most cool .

I recently spoke FICOD about the importance of the game - as simulation and interaction with others, has on learning of individuals. With the same learn and grasp the reality in our early years, the question is, why you leave work environments "...?. Now more than ever technology allows us to recreate , simulate, work situations, learn new skills, train them to transform them into skills learned at a reasonable price but be careful, not everything named e-learning is followed by this and fulfills that purpose and not all that now calls "serious game" or "business game", which in their design plan to develop simulation environments where making train risk-free decision.

My recommendation is that responbles to develop the talent of the people-note that I speak not in charge of training, I intend to go further - should explore -and the urgency that requires time- these new learning but yes the hand of a good partner "learn the trade" and clear, achieving it a commitment that workers learn new skills and apprehend, refrain otherwise spend money, short of self-and the worst is that future opportunities will burn ....
will leave for another post
the word enables analysis, defined as the RAE and prepare himself to carry out an end and the extent to which companies lead-yes, you read right, cause this to happen from a model individual objectives, support, guidance and provision of better resources. I leave the reader who has been here got some questions for reflection and of course if you feel like sharing this humble post:
Are we facing a new paradigm of business training ?..., actors will they be able to successfully meet this challenge before? .. . or tooth a few years we will remember this time and again repeat the mantra.
Have a great and empowering day. Javier García

CrossKnowledge Spain Director.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Nadine Jansenpregnancy


wore a few days without sewing, not for want of trying if we have been remodeling a little flat and could not find anything, is bad for small apartments.
But hey, everything is controlled and this is the last thing I have done, is the first time I use a metal nozzle, so you forgive the faults me liked it, so I certainly will not be the last.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Men Wearing Swimsuits

"Attitudes Talent"

To honor the title of this article, the talent should be a fantastic attitude and value. That is, show some so that provision of the Management of Organizations on one of its key functions now and in the coming year is Talent Management.

therefore propose in this post develop our attitudes about the talent from the point of view of our approach to the same questions: What? and How do I think? on this vital issue.
In this regard and by way of reminder, is the corporate culture and the factors that move people and create change rather than technology or other resources, so if we know the attitudes that must be demonstrated and put into practice the guidelines of management talent will be helping to maximize the contribution of our human capital.

therefore think that we can "revise our attitudes." I suggest two directions. First, do we really have a corporate culture oriented to true performance management? The axis on which to develop talent is an appropriate performance management system which continuously develop an orientation process, goal setting, clarification, review of results, Feedback, Coaching, monitoring and sense of one does ("not an isolated event once a year and do the deed") where a reality that maxim to align business objectives with the results generated by the people while ensuring an attractive environment for professional development and possible development potential (talent).

The second is credibility. The Directorate of Organizations say they are serious about consistency and coherence between what is said to be doing and what is done. We can all raise their hands because once we have been promised things and never met or were met half or did something else. What happened then to those already generated expectations that were frustrated? The current situation with layoffs, are, the hiring freeze and wages are cost containment measures and short-term but thinking about the medium and long term, "could have taken other measures? Sure it is. In my opinion, the perception about the credibility of the Directorate is in jeopardy.

On this point, I suggest a question for reflection, do we know why our people believe and trust the people you believe?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Visual Impact Airbrush Tan Des Moines

My farm chicks!

That seems, is that they are so easy to make almost go like hotcakes, I have 4 so far, but why do I have to make several gifts and I like very much, so you know , Montaren your farm ...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Ontario Drivers License Length

More about "The Invisible Dimension"

Between 2008 and 2010 have disappeared in this country 47,835 companies between 6 and 50. The production system can not stand a biennium plus the same rate and your recovery depends largely of how and with what speed they reconfigure our financial system. Soon "normalize" this credit function, and let it recapitalize to meet the priority of its own need for cash before the system will recover. The Government has extended the deadline for banks to March 2012 to recapitalize. We will see, then, in the coming months more changes, more mergers and acquisitions in the financial sector as a whole (banks, Banks and Insurance).
I have lived first hand as a consultant to some of the mergers have already occurred and I gathered some conclusions about them. Add the following five to seven already published in this Blog in October 2009 under the title "The invisible dimension" that is, the culture, values. Because I keep sharing with you thoughts on the matter with the intention of adding them to that, surely, many of you also do.
The first is the speed with which appears in the top-level statements of the protagonists of mergers is important to consider their "human side. And I always think the same thing: it is easy to recognize the obvious, but important thing is to make this obvious in strategic project at the same level and priority than others.
The second is to be fought against a false idea that to believe that the culture and values \u200b\u200bare substances that, as chemicals, can be mixed and given by synthesis or combination, new substances. Cultures and Values \u200b\u200bof the merged entities are not the result of applying in each. Are created, constructed, consolidated from zero.
The third is to combat the idea that many senior managers have the culture and values \u200b\u200bto create are the ones they wish or want. The language of desire is forbidden in these processes. Culture and Values \u200b\u200bto be set up are that the strategy of the new organization requires or needs.
The fourth ring to "deja vu" but it is the cornerstone of the process. If you forget falls on building the cultural fusion. It is essential to opportunity to intervene in the process of cultural settings to all especially to all managers. Participation, as we know, creates commitment to the project company and the culture and values \u200b\u200bthey have to help shape its direct influence in their respective fields.
La Quinta conclusion of my impression that I have said this is a must for any organization and its leaders recognize it or not, and unless these issues will eventually lead them other leaders in your breast, or grow organically countercultural values \u200b\u200band habits or counterproductive.

Since we have much to learn in the coming months on this issue will continue, as they say-reporting.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Does Suposatories Get Rid Of Himroids

O manager or anything

I'm surprised that after all the comments or "rain" on talent management in many organizations there is still a feeling that the only real way of promotion is the official channels.

And you find managers who are struggling hard to push one of his dearest associates with at least one person in charge, but neither the organization nor the work is required, as a way to introduce it when it comes to call the profession of management. In many cases, this battle was fought in response to feeling that are at fault with that partner, as if they could berate a certain commitments not really know how they came to achieve. Little attention is paid to whether the employee in question actually has the capabilities due to face one of the most significant challenges that a professional can be presented: responsibility for a team. That is, make this team achieve its ambitious targets and also to grow professionally.

I have to assume a management position can be undertaken only proper way, approaching this opportunity from an attitude of service. So when I had the chance, half joking and half serious, aspiring young I asked with confidence for their professional development and I raised the issue of a team, they returned the question: "Are you sure? You know the commitment you gain? Look, look, if you take it seriously going to live worse because you become that: people responsible. How do you walk ?..." responsibility Ji, ji, je, je ... and we kept talking.

However, in my inner dialogue, I also wondered and asked myself:
  • what we do from the areas of HR to clarify what that role entails?
  • what is the degree of consensus in the organization about what implies that role?
  • what alternative porfesional real progress has been generated in the company, salary components, recognition, visibility, content, etc ...?
As a long time, I am working on to respond jointly to the organization of turn to these three questions to find the solution adjusted to the reality of that organization. Difficult it is to run any performance appraisal system, identification of high potential, setting goals, etc. .. if we have not previously worked what we mean here and now manager.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Nipples Denise Milani

New Bag!

not be alarmed, this time the bag is a gift, I ordered it and I finished this model, not if you like your new owner, so I ask here to give me your opinion , you are missing something? Le left over?
Ains! This to do things for others is a roll that I know my tastes, but those of others ....

Monday, February 28, 2011

What Does Air In Your Bladder Mean?

Sports and firm 2

In my previous
entry began to criticize the lack of nuances when comparing the world of sports, usually the world of professional sports and the business world. In this case, continuing the subject, I will highlight an item which, although obvious, it seems to me to compare both, and in comparison is only word: training.

All sports, professional or not, share a common concept: it is impossible to improve performance without training. Moreover, even states with some frequency, how the "stars" of many sports usually agree on one feature: the intensity and seriousness with which they train.

Unfortunately, this idea has permeated in the business world. The entrenamimento is considered a necessary evil. Normally the "most qualified" are those where most trusted, but those who do not matter. Managers, the "stars" seldom train, lest they learn something or have to think / practice on something. No time to waste. So much is said that the best training that obtained in the workplace, and indeed, if there is no learning application. But first you must observe and internalized, so after applying to assess the consequences of doing one thing or another. That is, you have to train to learn and you have to train to improve.

Now that fills us mouth with the importance of training and development for the future I would like to see companies apply it. No pointing to the thousands of hours of training provided, no financial investment, often heavily subsidized, made, if not giving the value they say they have. Some ideas: raising the level of responsibility of education departments with a consequent increase in its budget, invest in integrated learning spaces, and virtual, not just sign up for the fashion of corporate universities, the incentives associated with learning objectives the manager and his team, look at what the athletes.

Sport offers a good example, but in this case it seems that we do not want to fix it.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Letters Announcing Doctor

Hiring a "stopped"! Doing

When a company proposes to hire a person or department, in the end is the same , usually carries out a cost-benefit analysis. What do I need? How much? Compensate the expense? If the answer is yes, hire. Even, sometimes situations can arise where the employer contribution displays that can provide a person or department as high enough to buy without previously had a specific need. is the bet for future profits.
In either case, the employer purchase when: you need something to maximize profit or, considered a good investment to maximize future benefits. This is the behavior of bidders employment.
Job seekers do not behave according to this model. are generally "Unemployed." is, they are waiting for someone to offer a job .
The jobs are just the professional services provided to an organization . If they lack the added value that the organization needs, the job disappears. The only difference between the provision of professional services and a job is the statutory formula under which provides a protected by commercial law and other, more protective for the provider, by employment law. In essence what is below them all the same. A job necessarily have to mean value for the organization .
The people are recruited because they provide value.
stalls work are created by business, government, organizations and also, people, while they create value.
When management or other organizations can not create jobs for lack of resources and employers see no need, there is only a means to generate employment, PEOPLE.
A worker is seeking employment as an entrepreneur looking customers. prepares its business strategy based on what he is capable of providing, what we can achieve, the advantage can mean the customer contract. All justified in his experience, in situations resolved and the value he has brought to other clients (companies).
A "stopped" in a person who is waiting for someone to offer him a job . A person faced with the opportunity to compete with others to get this client (firm) has what he did, tasks, jobs he went through. A "stopped" expected that, because of what was now hired him .
not hire us for what we were but for what we can do. The
People who know and communicate, which are able to achieve, the reasons why they should be chosen to perform a specific task, the benefits will provide the organization employing them can never be considered stops or unemployed. Linking
success with a post of this blog, developed by Eugenio de Andrés and widely discussed, it often happens that those who do not add value, which are hidden in organizations, the bad professionals, are those that are fired when they begin a difficult process of arrest, they become "unemployed."
The good people by the fact that is sometimes unfairly lose his client should not actually used the term "standing." Active display, with determination, managing their own situation and looking for that new client. This increase their employability. reduce the time it takes to achieve your desires.
The person seeking "business", which seeks to create value for organizations are hiring people. The other, which remain pending COULD DO SOMETHING ELSE, because that, to continue waiting.
I do not forget those who by their education level have the potential to make very small value. I am not referring to them, no. I mean that almost a million people registered in the public employment services with a high degree of employability. These can not or should wait for someone to resolve your situation. have to be the ones that raised the value they deliver, and no longer consider themselves as "unemployed"
One of the statistics I've managed to "break" with Eurostat and published by the INE Survey Task Force of the European Union (EU LFS) Employed by country and level of education achieved. According to this survey and in 2008, Germany has a 14% of the employed workforce with a lower education completed the second cycle of basic education, France 24%, UK 21%, Spain 43%, but what further differentiates us is that from that point of education and higher education Germany is 59% of its workforce occupied France to 45% as UK and Spain to 24%. Is to think deeply, think what we do as a state, without thereby avoid the responsibility of each individual, as most employers do not hire "unemployed"

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Best Thermal Compound Cpu

A special gift!

doors This beautiful subject has given me one of my dearest students, Antonia.
made me very excited that it has invented it and is a very original gift, you know that takes the stuffing?
A brick!! Sure my doors do not close for a gust of wind.
Next week I will take all classes to wear it and if you want to copy the model.
A which is an original idea? Thank
Antonia is beautiful, and I will keep it with love.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Does Orange Juice Cause More Mucus

team, or my computer?

few days ago I interviewed an executive of a financial institution who have changed their boss, has reached a new CEO. Anda sector upset, which despite the situation and the results of my interlocutor are not bad. However, he looked a little worried. Naturally, he told me the new boss will want to be YOUR trusted computer. Those who were appointed by the previous CEO, we're on the cusp, as pissed as a turkey listening to the tambourine. Everyone expects an invasion of new faces, especially in key positions, according to the usual pattern and more reasonable.

thought about it and, frankly, did not finish to accept the widespread assumption that a new boss, new team, although it is often seen as normal in the world.

I will not be inadvisable to do signings to strengthen teams, drive change, enter new businesses or acquire skills that are not taken internally. I work just to help companies attract and recruit talent. But changing a team from beginning to end every time there is a new boss seems like a lot. First because it overvalued a circumstance, the trust that is necessary but not sufficient. Second, because to know if someone is trustworthy is to give an opportunity to prove it. Third, because doing so confuses the organization, that is excessive and capricious changes and the result of widespread mistrust.

I think they have more merit coaches come new to a team, have the players they have, mostly, and are able to better exploit the party, which they resolve the situation by bringing a whole new computer (or at least to most of it). Teaming should involve improving performance through alignment, mutual understanding, common understanding and shared values \u200b\u200band goals. Any changes or new signings (whether internal or external) are required but as an exception, then it would have most of the team you inherit, but, yes, be able to improve performance. That is usually for the new boss need to build trust where it is still not available, earn it, and it is best to start by offering it. There seems to

heads who can only work with your team and they carry with them as part of its clothing, using their own criteria of loyalty and trust-building. For what should be the team that is made to fit the boss?, "Be the boss on that suit as the team? or maybe none of these things? Sure there will be reviews for all tastes, right?

Monday, February 21, 2011

What Happened To The Kelly Family?

I finished the bag!

I really
want to see it finished, so I have not parado.Hoy I've put the handles and this is the result, I hope you like it.

Where Can I Get Rare Anime Cd

The talent is in the network: 10 tips for finding employment or self-employment 2.0.

The curriculum or professional profile should be "card Business "of a candidate who is seeking a new job and must provide relevant information to capture the attention of the HR professional. But like when scrubbed a "business card" we follow our interlocutor, in the case of social networks it is the same, they must interact on the network, be proactive and communicate transparency, authenticity and credibility.

is also important to be consistent with our goals and interests of professional career development and create a career high 2.0 following, for example some of the following guidelines:

1. Autogooglearse oneself that is, look for yourself in Google.

2. Put in Google alerts the name of "self" to be aware of everything that arises in the Network about us or our business.

3. Buy the domain

4. Joining the major networks, starting with Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.

5. Start a blog.

6. Make a Web page itself.

7. Enter professional associations offline / online
(groups in LinkedIn).

8. Share your own knowledge and experience in different forums.

9. Making use of the sales pitch Lift (Elevator Pitch):
a short description, clear, concise, carefully planned and well practiced on your personal brand that people should be able to understand during the time it takes to climb a few floors in an elevator. Your sales pitch in the elevator speaks clearly of the attributes that make you unique and make you better prepared than others. It should say more than two minutes and should be attractive, they get excited and make them understand you and understand you with ease and make you want to spend more time with you.

10. Remember the mythical model AIDA (Attract Concern Desire Action):
candidates are encouraged to enter into an interest group and participate with their opinions, to thereby provide added value attracting scouts to read his comments as experts.

Social networking (especially LinkedIn professional social network), is a "showcase of talent." A strong LinkedIn profile, which reinforces the brand communications personnel, experience, achievements and outstanding value, and increases your chances of being contacted by a headhunter.
is likely that a site like LinkedIn to replace the curriculum in the near future.

More information and social networks: @ Amparodiazll (twitter) and "talent is on the network (LinkedIn professional group) =%

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Thank You Letter For The Idea

continue with the bag! We continue with the future

Once made the blocks, 9 total, join them in threes and we have well. Larguita
know it, now I am placing the lining.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ferning Predict Pregnancy

Invest in layoffs! POLLUTANT BERET

One of the urban rumors you hear with some frequency in the business world is that Jack Welch in his time at General Electric required that every year out of the organization 5% of the workforce . In many cases, CEOs and Human Resources, putting on his mask more "buenista" tear their hair out and talk about this great leader who knew how to bring GE to number 1 ranking of the most respected companies in the world, as if it were the very Herod.

is strange that these same which horrifies them both Jack Welch model see with good eyes the mass exodus of professionals from the same cloth cut , for example " all professionals in more than 58 years ", citing grounds of productivity, retraining or renewal. And I wonder, Is it not better drive out evil? Not the elderly, or those who have less seniority, or paraphrasing the announcement of Coca Cola or high, or the fair, or ugly, but the bad guys. Those who do not produce, which is sneaking, which hinder, to which a drag, which discouraged, whatever their age or condition .

And that is when you know in depth the model of managing people, and I was lucky enough to do at first hand thanks to a great professional, HRS TopTen mate, Jorge Cagigas that as introduced in Spain from its position Director of Human Resources, General Electric understand because got to where it came.

The American giant is not missed 5% for no reason, nor indeed was done for reasons of age or at random. They had a model of people management allowed to discriminate in an objective and transparent to those who did things well on who was doing wrong. And unlike most of the organizations I know, getting it wrong was not only not getting the level of achievement marked. Doing the wrong thing was mostly that the conduct of persons not in accordance with the values \u200b\u200bof the organization. Ie, General Electric, was not worth doing things in any way! The results were not only used to hide bad or professional misconduct or .

Jack Welch, who was among the main pillars of its strategy for transforming an organization's people, dedicated almost 60% of their time managing them. spoke with them, listened, got involved in the evaluation of their performance, motivation, and of course require, the much required. How many top executives do you know something?
can not do things as well them badly because of them that way is much faster and more convenient. If our organizations still do not discriminate positively to incentives, and negatively with outputs, our professionals is very difficult that we achieve a qualitative leap in our productivity .
why I believe that organizations must invest in layoffs. I say this at this time of recession may sound strange, irresponsible and even anti-European, but if you think you'll see a moment as I have reason. Companies should have a item in its budget dedicated to drive out evil professionals, to leave great jobs free for other great people who are willing to work and prove themselves. I am convinced that this would be a very productive practice for companies very instructive for the labor market and terribly healthy for any country and especially for ours.

Enough of companies in which they hear the sad refrain "... if this does not matter, unless put your hand in the box, do not check anybody." Let's early retirement without rhyme or objectification and develop models that allow us to differentiate the good from the bad. Let's be objective and equanimity, we focus on people, give second chances, but also let us dare to make decisions. Do not park more people, not tolerate more bad professionals. Let's take! that proved once and for all that good companies do not have room for everyone!
our responsibility and let us do for our company, our good staff and the great amount of talent that is not looking for a challenging project.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Usain Bolt Puma Jersey

When I start writing this post, it seems that the wind and rain are spreading and eliminating pollution, the result of the anticyclone surrounding beret or helmet is the main English cities. At the same time and as an introduction to a series of posts where we're reeling in more detail each of the items set forth in this otherwise clean beret hanging over pensions and their future. First, we must distinguish between issues related to our pension system and those that relate to retirement. Pensions in Spain are based on a model that has some features that at least should be reviewed and that it does not seem to be putting on the table.

1 .- Our model of French state court makes our public pension system is based on the ideological principle that management monitors the distribution of wealth beyond the productive period of the worker. That is why what is called systematic contribution groups have been homogenized so that today's bumpers are identical for all groups in the maximum trading. This is discrimination against those with higher salaries, as the system moved by such an approach does not allow the possibility of contributing to the system above the maximum. This entails that the State also limited in that sense its revenue mainly in periods of economic growth and rising salaries. The consequence is that workers are less chance of maintaining the purchasing power after retirement.

2 .- In the system of private pensions, there are basically two models namely

a) defined benefit plan guarantees a certain amount when it materializes. Ie you know the amount that should be available at the time of retirement or similar measures. This system was widespread in the Anglo-Saxon companies.

b) Defined contribution, here the employee what he does is provide a specific amount and what is not known is exactly the amount you receive upon retirement, everything will depend on the markets and the evolution of profit (interest) you get the plan. This model is being imposed to the former especially great risk and uncertainty posed by the first moments of high volatility or crisis. English
Our model does not obey any of the previous two models, because the worker's contributions are not intended to pay "their" pensions but to pay the current needs. Hence, the contributions we make to ensure our public system and not a specific amount but not even to collect them. To put it crudely, our contributions contributions are not for us and if it breaks the system the possibility, remote but possible, that does not charge any pension.

3 .- The lack of incentives for private pension plans, this section should be highlighted several reasons for this. The first is that sociologically the English State is hoping to continue acting as a parent and a caregiver be adequate for what you do not need to supplement their pension as the State certainly has the solution. Second, the lack of tax incentives and low profitability of the plans are that the amounts and the number of participants is much lower than what is desirable with what this has a perverse effect on expectations future of public pensions.

4 .- The lack of clarity of the contributions and employer contributions and employee to determine what part of them is destined for pensions, public health systems, unemployment, etc. .. This means that it is difficult to identify whether the state is adequately managing these resources. Also not the individual has no control over the decision of where to spend their contributions.

These are four of the berets that are polluting the decision-making and others that we will be addressing, if not a reflection of more depth on a profound transformation and free of ideological or political dyes go down the wrong path.

What Hapend To Fakku?

Watch what I say and not what I do ...

Who has not heard this phrase? One of the most listened to and aided in our society to explain why a person does the opposite of what he preaches.
This seems to justify a particular course of action characterized more by the weakness (of character, of will, belief ...) that for the bravery and courage it takes to live by preaching or assuming that you live according to other parameters.
This is a story of all managers and leaders of organizations that form in modern management skills (from leadership styles to management by values \u200b\u200bthrough teamwork and collaboration) and not put them into practice is never or almost never.
other words, our leaders know and know what to do. Form, read and study. Some are consistent and, from the beginning, with a hurtful clarity and transparency to state that there are "nonsense." In some places I've heard that are not for "birds and flowers", but to do business.
Others believe it and are convinced that situational leadership, practice a democratic way of directing / delegating, developing the staff ... they are useful, efficient and profitable in the medium and long term.
But do not put into practice.
Moreover, How many managers are that excited after attending one of these stunning courses in management, they become followers and preach the faith of the convert those skills and demand (with an iron hand hard, I must say) to their employees?
Surely many can answer me.
But the big question is how many managers have to make that course after deep reflection and honest, ask for feedback if necessary and establish an action plan for change?
Some are, I can answer.
And how many of the latter persevere and not let their plan of action to eat it everyday?
If we can we find any good, I can answer.
And, devastatingly, with a desire for comfort say this "do as I say, not as I do."
I propose we make a simple reflection, each one of us. Do you actually apply what we preach?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What Does Tawnee Stone Today


I have an allergy attack impressive, but that does not stop at times not be sewing my bag, I have wanted is already over and show it off.

the moment I'm doing 9 blocks as the photo, the colors, of course, lilacs, which I love.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monique Perrent Wikipdia

I'm getting a bag! Another

So I crazy about bags, and as I see a pattern I like I get to work, I'll be putting photos of the progress, as I'm doing several things at once to vary a bit late but well, if you want you can follow the step by step.

So far I have made these old hats that are high in the bag, the technique is crazy and hats will be the number one block. Ye

you can sew what you like but the point is redwork burgundy.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Famous People With Paranoid Personality Disorder


These days I do not stop if a few days ago I showed a basket made patchwork, today I put the pictures of other small I just finished.

The shape is different, I took the road of bitterness get arming but here it is.

Next, is a bag with this technique, but not when it will be.

the moment I'm making my two bags and a quilt, so I work I have for awhile.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Drag Suit Swimming 44

"Tutor, coach, mentor, consultant ...? King's speech

Yesterday I had the chance to see the movie " King's speech" and, in my humble opinion, represeta " all accompanying work " besides being recommended to see her and spend time very nice. After seeing the film I think we can draw some useful lessons applicable to the world of training and people development.
I note that at present often use the terms coaching and mentoring intertwined and, although they have the common root of being tools to enhance the development of people, it is true that the mixture for not versed in these issues can confuse the meaning and scope of application. It is true that both concepts serve successfully used to extract from us our potential and accelerate the achievement of personal and professional development have been defined previously with the applicant.
The difference is that mentoring comes from the mentor's previous experience which guide its way to the mentor, in Instead, the coaching is getting the best out of the coachee and also accompany him on his way but not speak on what path to take. Sometimes the difference between the two is not clear, so I suggest always well informed before tackling such a process.
As this post title in the work of "Lionel ," the specialist to help the King George VI (friendly called " Bertie") is balanced between a wealth of roles and I think it's admirable, precisely in the variety of roles as a teacher, tutor, coach, mentor, consultant ..., "All in one , where lies the interesting thing to learn from this film and which should be noted by managers and leaders responsible for any group of people and those engaged in training and developing people (coaches, mentors, trainers, consultants, etc.).
I would like to cite a few examples although there are many, the "core skills" implemented in the film and as defendants today. For starters: Lionel creates the foundation for successful start any process of this kind in which he explained the rules of the game from the beginning (" these are the rules and they are my rules ") and always maintaining a position of respect in regard to Bertie while demanding the same reciprocity (" treat me as an equal ") and enhancing the mutual self-responsibility (" my field is this and if you want to improve and change what you do not like the free decision to accept and play with them is yours but they are my rules and not the ones you want when you agree impose ").
This start in which lay the foundations and rules clear from the beginning, in practice, is not a bed of roses as the saying goes "once worth more than a hundred yellow colored" and must be made test but is the foundation to generate a confident well understood and can be advanced in support of that work.
The second is refers to the art of asking. The questions it poses are what we call Lionel powerful and profound questions that are not intrusive or inquisitorial and are aimed at the waterline of the person and cause an inward look at himself and then be able to draw out the latent potential that is anchored and blocked by fear can not leave. This work of Lionel is one of the keys to the progress of "Bertie" to evolve into a position that has changed the fear of vertigo and although still in a state of permanent alert allows you to make decisions for themselves and take action .
This ability to ask questions of this type is present throughout the film Accompanying this work already cited. From the beginning, to establish the ground rules, and then to explore the reality of things distinguishing facts from beliefs, to get "the I can not" and "expose" to Bernie to leave your comfort zone to take a choices about what you can do from their responsibility and help implement them (I think it is a good example of applying the Grow Model development).
Finally, I also wanted to highlight other skills of Lionel present throughout the film and helps to make a "constructive work" at all times. I refer to your sense of humor that also combines excellently with his knowledge be. Quite a success!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What Do You Write To Someone Who Has Baby


Today I put the picture of this scarecrow is not mine, although I have the fabrics for me uno.La Encarna owner is one of my students, which as you see does not lack taste, fabrics very well combined, and lacks detail, has its botoncitos sheet, and a lot of little details that make this tapestry a treasure to hang on any wall of our house. Encarna

beautiful! Like what you worked!!

A is beautiful??