Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Does Suposatories Get Rid Of Himroids

O manager or anything

I'm surprised that after all the comments or "rain" on talent management in many organizations there is still a feeling that the only real way of promotion is the official channels.

And you find managers who are struggling hard to push one of his dearest associates with at least one person in charge, but neither the organization nor the work is required, as a way to introduce it when it comes to call the profession of management. In many cases, this battle was fought in response to feeling that are at fault with that partner, as if they could berate a certain commitments not really know how they came to achieve. Little attention is paid to whether the employee in question actually has the capabilities due to face one of the most significant challenges that a professional can be presented: responsibility for a team. That is, make this team achieve its ambitious targets and also to grow professionally.

I have to assume a management position can be undertaken only proper way, approaching this opportunity from an attitude of service. So when I had the chance, half joking and half serious, aspiring young I asked with confidence for their professional development and I raised the issue of a team, they returned the question: "Are you sure? You know the commitment you gain? Look, look, if you take it seriously going to live worse because you become that: people responsible. How do you walk ?..." responsibility Ji, ji, je, je ... and we kept talking.

However, in my inner dialogue, I also wondered and asked myself:
  • what we do from the areas of HR to clarify what that role entails?
  • what is the degree of consensus in the organization about what implies that role?
  • what alternative porfesional real progress has been generated in the company, salary components, recognition, visibility, content, etc ...?
As a long time, I am working on to respond jointly to the organization of turn to these three questions to find the solution adjusted to the reality of that organization. Difficult it is to run any performance appraisal system, identification of high potential, setting goals, etc. .. if we have not previously worked what we mean here and now manager.


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