Friday, March 4, 2011

Ontario Drivers License Length

More about "The Invisible Dimension"

Between 2008 and 2010 have disappeared in this country 47,835 companies between 6 and 50. The production system can not stand a biennium plus the same rate and your recovery depends largely of how and with what speed they reconfigure our financial system. Soon "normalize" this credit function, and let it recapitalize to meet the priority of its own need for cash before the system will recover. The Government has extended the deadline for banks to March 2012 to recapitalize. We will see, then, in the coming months more changes, more mergers and acquisitions in the financial sector as a whole (banks, Banks and Insurance).
I have lived first hand as a consultant to some of the mergers have already occurred and I gathered some conclusions about them. Add the following five to seven already published in this Blog in October 2009 under the title "The invisible dimension" that is, the culture, values. Because I keep sharing with you thoughts on the matter with the intention of adding them to that, surely, many of you also do.
The first is the speed with which appears in the top-level statements of the protagonists of mergers is important to consider their "human side. And I always think the same thing: it is easy to recognize the obvious, but important thing is to make this obvious in strategic project at the same level and priority than others.
The second is to be fought against a false idea that to believe that the culture and values \u200b\u200bare substances that, as chemicals, can be mixed and given by synthesis or combination, new substances. Cultures and Values \u200b\u200bof the merged entities are not the result of applying in each. Are created, constructed, consolidated from zero.
The third is to combat the idea that many senior managers have the culture and values \u200b\u200bto create are the ones they wish or want. The language of desire is forbidden in these processes. Culture and Values \u200b\u200bto be set up are that the strategy of the new organization requires or needs.
The fourth ring to "deja vu" but it is the cornerstone of the process. If you forget falls on building the cultural fusion. It is essential to opportunity to intervene in the process of cultural settings to all especially to all managers. Participation, as we know, creates commitment to the project company and the culture and values \u200b\u200bthey have to help shape its direct influence in their respective fields.
La Quinta conclusion of my impression that I have said this is a must for any organization and its leaders recognize it or not, and unless these issues will eventually lead them other leaders in your breast, or grow organically countercultural values \u200b\u200band habits or counterproductive.

Since we have much to learn in the coming months on this issue will continue, as they say-reporting.


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