Monday, February 14, 2011

What Hapend To Fakku?

Watch what I say and not what I do ...

Who has not heard this phrase? One of the most listened to and aided in our society to explain why a person does the opposite of what he preaches.
This seems to justify a particular course of action characterized more by the weakness (of character, of will, belief ...) that for the bravery and courage it takes to live by preaching or assuming that you live according to other parameters.
This is a story of all managers and leaders of organizations that form in modern management skills (from leadership styles to management by values \u200b\u200bthrough teamwork and collaboration) and not put them into practice is never or almost never.
other words, our leaders know and know what to do. Form, read and study. Some are consistent and, from the beginning, with a hurtful clarity and transparency to state that there are "nonsense." In some places I've heard that are not for "birds and flowers", but to do business.
Others believe it and are convinced that situational leadership, practice a democratic way of directing / delegating, developing the staff ... they are useful, efficient and profitable in the medium and long term.
But do not put into practice.
Moreover, How many managers are that excited after attending one of these stunning courses in management, they become followers and preach the faith of the convert those skills and demand (with an iron hand hard, I must say) to their employees?
Surely many can answer me.
But the big question is how many managers have to make that course after deep reflection and honest, ask for feedback if necessary and establish an action plan for change?
Some are, I can answer.
And how many of the latter persevere and not let their plan of action to eat it everyday?
If we can we find any good, I can answer.
And, devastatingly, with a desire for comfort say this "do as I say, not as I do."
I propose we make a simple reflection, each one of us. Do you actually apply what we preach?


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