Friday, February 18, 2011

Ferning Predict Pregnancy

Invest in layoffs! POLLUTANT BERET

One of the urban rumors you hear with some frequency in the business world is that Jack Welch in his time at General Electric required that every year out of the organization 5% of the workforce . In many cases, CEOs and Human Resources, putting on his mask more "buenista" tear their hair out and talk about this great leader who knew how to bring GE to number 1 ranking of the most respected companies in the world, as if it were the very Herod.

is strange that these same which horrifies them both Jack Welch model see with good eyes the mass exodus of professionals from the same cloth cut , for example " all professionals in more than 58 years ", citing grounds of productivity, retraining or renewal. And I wonder, Is it not better drive out evil? Not the elderly, or those who have less seniority, or paraphrasing the announcement of Coca Cola or high, or the fair, or ugly, but the bad guys. Those who do not produce, which is sneaking, which hinder, to which a drag, which discouraged, whatever their age or condition .

And that is when you know in depth the model of managing people, and I was lucky enough to do at first hand thanks to a great professional, HRS TopTen mate, Jorge Cagigas that as introduced in Spain from its position Director of Human Resources, General Electric understand because got to where it came.

The American giant is not missed 5% for no reason, nor indeed was done for reasons of age or at random. They had a model of people management allowed to discriminate in an objective and transparent to those who did things well on who was doing wrong. And unlike most of the organizations I know, getting it wrong was not only not getting the level of achievement marked. Doing the wrong thing was mostly that the conduct of persons not in accordance with the values \u200b\u200bof the organization. Ie, General Electric, was not worth doing things in any way! The results were not only used to hide bad or professional misconduct or .

Jack Welch, who was among the main pillars of its strategy for transforming an organization's people, dedicated almost 60% of their time managing them. spoke with them, listened, got involved in the evaluation of their performance, motivation, and of course require, the much required. How many top executives do you know something?
can not do things as well them badly because of them that way is much faster and more convenient. If our organizations still do not discriminate positively to incentives, and negatively with outputs, our professionals is very difficult that we achieve a qualitative leap in our productivity .
why I believe that organizations must invest in layoffs. I say this at this time of recession may sound strange, irresponsible and even anti-European, but if you think you'll see a moment as I have reason. Companies should have a item in its budget dedicated to drive out evil professionals, to leave great jobs free for other great people who are willing to work and prove themselves. I am convinced that this would be a very productive practice for companies very instructive for the labor market and terribly healthy for any country and especially for ours.

Enough of companies in which they hear the sad refrain "... if this does not matter, unless put your hand in the box, do not check anybody." Let's early retirement without rhyme or objectification and develop models that allow us to differentiate the good from the bad. Let's be objective and equanimity, we focus on people, give second chances, but also let us dare to make decisions. Do not park more people, not tolerate more bad professionals. Let's take! that proved once and for all that good companies do not have room for everyone!
our responsibility and let us do for our company, our good staff and the great amount of talent that is not looking for a challenging project.


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