Monday, January 31, 2011

How Can I Remain Invisble In Facebook

The future that awaits us and the courage to face it

I just read an article, one more on criticizing the Prime Minister by the results of its efforts (or lack thereof). He talked about the mistakes and omissions and delays in decision making. In summary, I interpret, criticizing his leadership and lack of courage to do what to do, while their management capacity to do so inefficient that it sure does.

But what the article did not analyze are two new ideas that ultimately come from listening and sharing, in cafes and other social gatherings. On the one hand, the lack of control over citizens on the use of public funds, ie the lack of a public audit leaving it to the state's own dual role. On the other perversion of the democratic system where political leaders, whom the people have entrusted the leadership of the country, do what they are supposed to do when they wear is a policy that threatens its continuity in government. It thus appears that the current political class, protected in a democratic system shared by all, prioritize their actions to their benefit and detriment of the interests of the country. Buy

votes populist measures and avoid taking unpopular decisions is undoubtedly widespread practice to a greater or lesser extent by all governments. And populist measures in Spain have taken a lot but say there is a populist government that much difference. For example look at recent cases in Latin America. From Argentina, where it was agreed shortly before an election that part-time employees have the same rights, including economic, that full-time employees to Ecuador, which annul the ETTs from all permanent employees in order to win vows. Surely our attention when compared to the English situation. Imagine then that would happen in Mexico if, as promised by the losing candidate in last election had offered a salary from the State to all single mothers.

perpetuate the Government seems to be a task of politicians. But to get to do what must be a priority. And I just started this year very concerned about whether what will be done. Not that I know better than anyone what to do, no. What I see is that in a globalized world, we've been promoting since the so called first world now we have to compete with governments, countries, cultures and regions that are not comparable to us. If we analyze China or India, to give some examples from the famous BRICs, which now wants to join South Africa, will probably come to the conclusion that her workday is much more extensive, no unemployment benefit or non-existent, the paltry pension or imaginary, poor health system, ... You remember, less than two years, the demonstrations in France asking for wage increases to 35 hours a day? And so to compete with the Chinese? Something does not block me ... Well in Spain, in 2010 we dropped a position in the ranking of world economic powers ... And nine in competition! If we continue like this I assure you it is not far off to see that we have fallen nine places in the ranking of economic powers. I guess

that we have to make efforts, give up things that we had achieved, improve things once and for all that do not work well enough education ... and that will wear for all including the rulers.


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