Monday, January 31, 2011

How Can I Remain Invisble In Facebook

The future that awaits us and the courage to face it

I just read an article, one more on criticizing the Prime Minister by the results of its efforts (or lack thereof). He talked about the mistakes and omissions and delays in decision making. In summary, I interpret, criticizing his leadership and lack of courage to do what to do, while their management capacity to do so inefficient that it sure does.

But what the article did not analyze are two new ideas that ultimately come from listening and sharing, in cafes and other social gatherings. On the one hand, the lack of control over citizens on the use of public funds, ie the lack of a public audit leaving it to the state's own dual role. On the other perversion of the democratic system where political leaders, whom the people have entrusted the leadership of the country, do what they are supposed to do when they wear is a policy that threatens its continuity in government. It thus appears that the current political class, protected in a democratic system shared by all, prioritize their actions to their benefit and detriment of the interests of the country. Buy

votes populist measures and avoid taking unpopular decisions is undoubtedly widespread practice to a greater or lesser extent by all governments. And populist measures in Spain have taken a lot but say there is a populist government that much difference. For example look at recent cases in Latin America. From Argentina, where it was agreed shortly before an election that part-time employees have the same rights, including economic, that full-time employees to Ecuador, which annul the ETTs from all permanent employees in order to win vows. Surely our attention when compared to the English situation. Imagine then that would happen in Mexico if, as promised by the losing candidate in last election had offered a salary from the State to all single mothers.

perpetuate the Government seems to be a task of politicians. But to get to do what must be a priority. And I just started this year very concerned about whether what will be done. Not that I know better than anyone what to do, no. What I see is that in a globalized world, we've been promoting since the so called first world now we have to compete with governments, countries, cultures and regions that are not comparable to us. If we analyze China or India, to give some examples from the famous BRICs, which now wants to join South Africa, will probably come to the conclusion that her workday is much more extensive, no unemployment benefit or non-existent, the paltry pension or imaginary, poor health system, ... You remember, less than two years, the demonstrations in France asking for wage increases to 35 hours a day? And so to compete with the Chinese? Something does not block me ... Well in Spain, in 2010 we dropped a position in the ranking of world economic powers ... And nine in competition! If we continue like this I assure you it is not far off to see that we have fallen nine places in the ranking of economic powers. I guess

that we have to make efforts, give up things that we had achieved, improve things once and for all that do not work well enough education ... and that will wear for all including the rulers.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Pain While Menstruating

My strip wires! That

the beginning of time (ie, when I began to learn patchwork) I bought a wire strip I saw in a shop, still use it, but the other day on the blog Leti I saw the tutorial to make one, so I boarded and here it is, will any more to give, pincushion top, pulls down wires, and super clean table.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Alot Of Discharge 39 Weeks

Retirement and business management maturity "?

already served the covenant: retirement at age 67, where necessary reform has made little contribution to the welfare state sustainable.
One of the agreement resulting from the delay and higher cost of early retirement for companies. Controversial issue in which there is a conflict of interests between companies and the state: companies looking to replace labor "face and obsolete "by another" cheap and ready ", while the state wants to delay the effective exit age from the labor market by the consequences associated with leaving work.

pressures to eliminate early retirement, full of contradictions on the other hand, lead to some questions about whose thinking I wanted to draw attention today:

- Are companies prepared to manage the maturity?
- Do they value companies really mature?

way of example, a comment from a survey of work environment in a large corporation: "Here at 50 and I believe more and 55 have expiration date young people are very skilled but lack job, here is no longer valued the experience "

is not a simple question, which is also difficult to generalize, it depends on the sector, the physical activity and a long list .

Moreover, the attitudes of health workers is ambivalent to the issue. Some people are wanting to take early retirement (with financial guarantees, of course) and some people are dreading that day comes.

is not a simple question, I repeat, but we're getting closer to having to address this issue seriously. At this point is where I come the questions: Are you going to put companies in their agenda management maturity? Do they know to combine experience and drive? What about the collision of generational values? Be seen.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Swot Analysis On Hairdressing Salon

The full resilience and business

I like going to the cinema classic, and if I go with family or friends, so much the better! We look at the billboard to choose movie, we left home, we move to the cinema, buy the entrance and sat in the chair.
repeated this operation last weekend to see "Road to Freedom", directed by Peter Weir has made other works such as Gallipoli, The Year of Living Dangerously or Master and Commander. I was attracted
the director, actors and the story: A group of prisoners in the middle of World War II, escape from a gulag and undertake a journey on foot over 6,000 kms in excruciating condition to reach India. It was hoped that with this starting point, the situations that were going to live the characters were very extreme, but the film has the good sense not to dwell on too starkly portray these moments.
The different characters represent different ways of dealing with such adverse environments, and of course, thought-provoking. In my case, I was thinking about the concept of resilience.
The definition in the RAE of this term is "human capacity to take a flexible situations limit and overcome them. "
Following my reflection, I think that not enough flexibility. As highlighted in the film through the different characters, not overcome by the same commitment and values \u200b\u200bof pure survival, and amaze me and always admire people who get this improvement while maintaining dignity, and dealing with and caring for others. beacons in life are those who look.
And continuing as my reflection, I fixed upon our society. live now complicated as a society, in business, as a country, etc ..., and gives the impression that some are also generating more confrontational fun instead of seeking points of agreement, and move well to the public.
Let us realize how much we have, and from that strength, overcome this adversity. I have read some politician to declare why the pension board now if we still have maybe about 20 years of mattress. I could hardly believe. Preocupemosnos not only our future, we can still catch the board, but also of our young people, with more than 40% unemployment in their age group, because its future is ours. The full resilience
covers other one.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Flesh Colored Plugs For Black People

so plump chicken!! Y.

Today I put the photo of a chicken that has been one of my dearest students, Encarna, a person with great creativity and great as a person.

Well as you see is very well done and lacks detail, is one of the many jobs he has, and already I will be teaching, all precious.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Name On Messenger Mac

... the purse!!

Here it is easy to do that using the technique of quilt smart, or going montadito fiselina a kind of showing you where you're going to cut and assemble.

Japanese fabrics I chose, which I love.

In a little while I will to make the second for my dear friend from Huesca, M ª Carmen, I hope you like.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sample Contribution Letters For Church

My basket!!

I am delighted with my basket. You

in lilacs, which I like. It

I went to Colors Patch to teach me to do it, I took both morning I went to the basket and a bag (I put the photo tomorrow).

The store, which carries Rosa, you can find everything related to patchwork, always with plenty of new features and some fabrics.

So besides spending a pleasant morning went well equipped.

Leti do you think?

We remember you!! Missing you!!

Creative X-fi Mb Utility


Javier input, specifically the video you bound to the end of it reminded me of an issue on which I have discussed on many occasions with clients and colleagues. It is the abuse which, in my opinion, it is often between sport and business. Rather between competitive sport and business competition.

Go ahead I am of those who think that competitive sport can bring many positive lessons to life in general. However, I think usually in the comparison between sport and business forget certain elements that differ significantly both. Some final: a.

- Rules

All sports have rules. Rules usually known, understood and accepted, and often have a certain permanence in time. Moreover, all sports have an arbitrator whose duty is to ensure that they follow the rules and interpret them to make decisions with immediate effect, before the public.

obviously not the case in business competition. There are rules but their failure can go undetected for years. There are no referees, and if they exist, do not make decisions for immediate implementation and the public before. Moreover, business strategy is to generate sustainable competitive advantages and differences that are created sometimes "reinvented" the rules. Imagine a player who leaves the court with a racket large or a basketball player with a shoe with springs. In fact, some recent sports innovations, such as bathing suits that appeared last year, have not been accepted. Compare that to the business innovations.

In my opinion this is the first major difference. B.

- The competition

The sports competition develops in specific dates, beginning and end, each party has a specific date and at the end of the competition something happens, someone wins and someone loses or is eliminated, and so on.

The business competition is a small forest. Even in the quintessential market, stock market, operations are "off market" sometimes very dull. Not long ago recommended to pay attention to "time to market, speed or time to market. Business competition not always give you a second chance, a leg or "down to second." Neither is an acceptable result to be second or third, for example, the classification of a bid after a public competition. Second

difference. C.

- Setting targets and equipment

By the very nature of competition and the size of the equipment is easier to set shared goals: to win the league, qualifying for a competition, relegation, finishing the race or race. It goes without saying at length the difficulty of setting targets or that are shared by all or most of the people in an organization.

For equipment, but highly recommended not seem essential to maintain a good relationship for sporting success. Something that seems key to any business team. Two


d. - Training

Finally, training is the basis of sporting competition but not in the business. Develop this theme in a rear entrance.

In conclusion, I believe that sport can bring and teach us many things applicable to our personal and professional life, but we must recognize their characteristics and circumstances and not be blinded by their lights and their stars.

Friday, January 21, 2011

What Does A Il Driving License Look Like

3 good tracks for the day to day. Do you?

On many occasions, from this blog, and from different keyboards, it has been claimed and applied for a process of reflection to change some values \u200b\u200bthat are in place in our society and on many of our companies . has even been shown to get a clue.
I again insist on it today.
From parliament to the meeting table, project manager of an SME, through the steering committee of any company, you must:
1. Find opportunities for collaboration, not confrontation : We are based in the stubborn defense than we thought, as if it were the only true reality as possible. Politicians mention them publicly because that's what they say and do every day. True poultry cockfighting, cavemen who do not use batons or hopefully not re-use, but use the word like swords what is the difference? steering committees where each tries to be placed above the front colleague in highbrow discussions, so that the leader makes a decision. teams say they are, rather they are a group of people, sometimes with polite behavior, expressing their opinion for another to bear the consequences of a decision. We must move from competition to collaboration
2. Addressing situations a positive approach: You can always deny. in the bank to borrow money, do not let you speak, the first is NO. not raised the business. going to Treasury to request a deferment, the first NO. present a new way of doing something, the first as usual, No. present alternatives to a management team is always improving and which becomes defensive and denies the majority. We diehards, as the orchestra of the Titanic. Why we do what we're doing? lack of perspective makes it work to play a role not to improve the impact that that role is. If we stop to think about ways to make life easier for others, businessmen, politicians, taxpayers and employees, would open new channels of relationship. Van will be right
Evil 3. Back to the severity of the terms : Do not confuse highly sensitive issues such as effort and sacrifice and responsibility and guilt. Who is to blame for the attitude of the drivers? Only drivers, but the responsibility has occurred has, including the Government. What about the education system which brings the lamentable ratios? Who wants to sacrifice for something that is not tangible or close? forming Today I sacrifice in exchange for greater future prospects, is the training of adults to children. The effort does not involve "sacrifice" is over, the effort brings reward. Teach your children the pleasure of getting in achieve results, the bonus for hitting on the challenges, you enjoy it and see how they are working. As athletes. Placer and sweat. Video.
effort is a time of review, is a time to question everything we've learned, is a time to make decisions, are times to be brave. Let's do it.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Abiotic Factors That Could Affect Tide Pool

coasters! Technique

Blog pacing by Leti, saw that he had made a lovely coasters.

And I really liked it copied the idea and here are mine.

fabric I had tea cups in hand or running through a chicken house, so I thought it would look bad either, and well, here they are.

I will do more because I want to give more.

you like them??

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Elk Hunting Preserves


So I called him, that ends it seems.

is easy to do and I like the result may be a cushion or a small mat. So

otherwise terminated, to the next one ... I'm not paroooooo!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nice Way To Say Dutch On Invitation

DJ Diva

two Mai Tai and the dance floor wearing gold dress

unthinkable in the field of dance

mirrors ... "Pa-Pan" ...

and dance ... "This is the song of the World Cup" ...
(me screaming from the jungle DJ)

must move "and"
your hair is a joke kinetic
sailed well

in its fruit-flavored rum

to sea ... pa-Pan "...

Blogalaxia Tags: poetry literature

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Take In Pants That Are Too Large


In recent days we have witnessed again and we saw it, open another debate on whether or not to sign people who have or have held public office. In particular the recent signings of the two Presidents Aznar and González in the paths companies - Endesa and Gas Natural, to play a set of advisors or counselors. I have heard in the past two days many comments and some of them I have to admit that quite frivolous. To begin with, and in these two cases only point out that their signings are done the respective companies in the energy sector which typically manage large contracts and a high degree of internationalization, and also a strong market regulation by States. That said, I have lived my career with many situations in which private companies have been seduced by people from the public sector and more specifically of the policy. In my experience would have to distinguish three areas they differentiate and which are:

1 .- Transfers of Advisors and Directors
2 .- Hiring managers
3 .- Incorporation of staff.

In all three cases, the circumstances are different, focusing on the numbers 2 and 3, which are the closest, and linking them to human resources departments are some guidelines that I would like to share and suggest to taken into account in these processes:

or political officials often have a high regard for the private company and have placed very high expectations for It is very important that from day one we are very realistic and honest in explaining the organization is incorporated, those aspects that tend to crash and frustrate them are: the improvisation of private enterprise, the lack of continuity lightness, a lack of both material and human resources and the difficulty in combining a sense to work beyond the pursuit of profit and profitability. In contrast greatly appreciated the speed of decision making, the dynamics and rhythm that pervades business, also the attenuation of the protocol and less hierarchical relationships, and finally the conditions of pay and promotion tools and systems that support . is important in these cases the incorporation of public servants or politicians to private enterprise, pay much more attention to integration and host programs, and I would recommend the allocation of a mentor, to be known or may have come from the sector public. If hosting plans are key to the success of professionals in the present case further.
involuntary output from this type of employee also is usually more difficult and problematic, than employees with a career in private enterprise.
Another day
address the most diferenciasles when employees of private companies that incorporate a public company and the things that most surprised them.

Inspirational Quotes For High School Football

My pumpkin! Renata

thought I'd put the photo of the pumpkin I made this Christmas, but I saw that, so here you have it. Still

I have placed on the dining room that is beautiful and timeless look, I've put a cinnamon stick in chunks which makes it as more rustic.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What Should The Subject Of A Thank You Email Be

Messi Golden Ball and HR

Last night it missed the Golden Ball award for best football player in 2010. Were nominated Xavi, Iniesta and Messi , and end after a vote of international experts, the award was won by the Argentine.

strange decision. And it is not to detract Messi, great player, but since all three players share honors in 2010 for playing all at FC Barcelona, \u200b\u200btaking into account that the two English players have won the World Cup and was also given to Iniesta, who scored the goal that decided the final, because the truth 's strange.

I think this has much to do with how bad we sell abroad the image of Spain . If we spend with wines, where France has the reputation of the best wines in the world, or the oil with Italy robs us of equal merit, because we will be different in other fields.

reflection not want to take by the ineptitude of our politicians , fighting all the time by trying to project local image rather than unite to boost our image as a state (as shown worth the button of the stands that compete in many international food fairs: Wines of Spain Wines from La Rioja). I would not, at least not in this forum and on this occasion.

I would rather focus on the parallels this has with the merits of HR departments, and even though you know that in general I tend to be highly critical of the role, now I want to break a lance defense ... or at least half.

In most organizations, any other department action is always more valued than those developed by Human Resources. A good example can be seen almost daily in almost any company: If there is an increase in sales is never the training program developed by the good atmosphere created or implemented leadership style, always due to commercial pressure, the magnificent great CRM or marketing campaigns.

Why always marketing indicators are estimated more reliable than human resources? Vale, in many companies is because HR indicators do not exist or have any relation with the company's strategy, but the rest is that marketing departments know sold much better.

This has to stop. Human Resources Departments must reinvent themselves in order to position specific weight organizations to provide solutions and proposals in line with the strategic needs of the company, not emergencies tactics that today the answer from the traditional approach to unit supplier of products such as selection, training, compensation, administration, evaluation, etc.

Marketing Departments in little more than 30 years have passed in the absence in many cases to be indispensable in any organization. And he has achieved using simple but effective techniques and easily transferable to the reality of human resources, clients and professionals because we are the same, only that viewed from different perspectives. Innovation is not only invent from scratch ... Copiémosles !

For those sailors who want to address this trip some ideas that may help to set the path:

• Business domain : only from the real and deep knowledge of the "clients" you can define true value added services

• Implementation of the "science" : sustain our proposed indicators models and data that provide a strong case for decision-making, and not just "buenistas"

Quantifying the contribution of value : we must be able to provide an assessment of the actions and on However, the consequences of not performing the actions

Mestizaje: we add new profiles to enrich our vision and ability. Diversity is the road.

What the unjust Messi Golden Ball us to react, and let us get down to work for God take what belongs to God but to stay with Caesar what is Caesar's .

Monday, January 10, 2011

Not Blocked Cubefield

The quilt!

I have days without dropping by the blog, the reason is that paroooo! Start work, I end up others, and some medical personnel matter how good ... total, I've been a little outside, but it's over, I'm back, determined not to stop doing beauties.

Today I put a quilt that ended one of my students, has been wonderful, as you can see and she is delighted that it is the most important, is her first quilt and all as you have a special affection for the first right?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Soundblaster Live Value Ct4780 Xp Drivers

Same model, different sizes! Saddlebags for our sewing

What you think of my three bags?

The model is the same bag, I think Japanese technology is called, is very easy to do.

The big each square measures 15x15 cm, and to take things ulitizo patchwork, blue, each square measuring 15x15 cm, used in summer to take walks, and small, each square measuring 6x6 cm, I used leftover fabrics from the saddlebags, and serves to vanity.

I have not yet since the closure because I think it will be magnetized to close better, that I am.