Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Yellow Cm Day Before Af

BY © Fernando G. Toledo

few as famous and misunderstood phrases like "God is dead" of Nietzsche (The Gay Science, 1881). Renowned for his power. Misunderstood by more than an apologist, which endorses the idea that, by definition, God is immortal and yes has died is the German philosopher. In his combative atheology Treaty (Buenos Aires, Ediciones de la Flor , 2005), Michel Onfray decides to put things clear: God is not dead, as the fictions do not die.

"You can not refute a children's story," admits author cynicism. Onfray (the Treaty ... angered some sectors believers and inspired at least two books against him) took to the task deconstructing beliefs, especially the monotheistic religions, which the author holds responsible for a hatred that has been crucial to our tragic history.

The book, written with as nimble as a sharp pen, the French philosopher comes to the rescue of thinkers not the theological maremagnum has dominated humanity for centuries, and then to exalt Epicurus to Julien de la Mettrie Ofroy to Ludwig Feuerbach and Baron D'Holbach , prepares to give evidence of the contradictions theists and their "hatred" per se which the September 11, 2001 is a sample button.

Thus, "monotheism" denounces the collusion of the three major religions (Judaism , Christianity, Islam ), while that 'Christianity' is carried forward as Christ myths and "hooliganism" histórico.Al end, "Theocracy" reports on the "death drive" that beats in the religious and proposes a "secular post-Christian " materialistic, hedonistic and ethical , supported by science, reason and philosophy. Maybe this is the bet of the author, who, after exorcising the ghosts divine (as false as any other), invites us to build the "post-Christian era."

Is it not enough for the thinker, with certain forms of "Christian atheism" of which tend to dwell, because they fall into a dangerous indulgence: to accept that there was certainly a Christian message and that is true, say that Jesus was and is unsustainable because it was his law-abiding Jew. What is that message? Is it indeed "Christian" and has its roots in earlier philosophies and traditions? And in any case, how to separate the wheat from the chaff? Christian atheism is the "strengthening of the dominant episteme", "founded on Judeo-Christian ethics and is often happy to copy it."

also hides most visible practices Christianity (Like the other monotheistic religions) it has built with substance, praising their "ignorance, innocence, candor, obedience and submission" in short, "want the opposite of reality." Onfray then asked what he recognizes as a tautology: a "godless atheism" to lay the post-Christian secularism. None of 'secularism'. Bravo for her and what she has done, he says, but "to equate all religions and their denial, as proposed by the secularism that prevails today, we endorse the relativism : equality between magical thinking and rational thought, myth and argumentative discourse, discourse thaumaturgical and thought science, including the Torah and the Discourse on Method , the New Testament and Critique of Pure Reason , the Koran and Genealogy of Morals. " This combination of opposites is a farce. The step, then, be given.

"hedonistic" The contract can not be more immanent ... - legitimate intersubjectivity determines thought and action, and completely ignores God, religion and priests. No need to threaten or seduce Hell to Paradise, and found a useless ontology postmortem reward and punishment to encourage good deeds fair and straight. An ethics without obligation or transcendent sanctions, "summarizes Michel Onfray.

At times, propagandistic and exalted (by which point he makes mistakes), the Treaty of atheology may be, however, a turning point in the discussions on the role of religion. For now, closes with a statement comparable to Nietzsche: the only "truly deadly sin 'is to ignore" that there is only one world. " It.


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