Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Leaflets In Hairdressing



(Politics Cultural Program Government of Michelle Bachelet)

For Nicolas Romo D

INTRODUCTION Well, come by. The "Government Program" which provided, as is logical , a series of actions in various materials within its competence, with which our current president first , would give effect to its policies of Government, is divided into six major topics. In the number 5 "Chile are all" clearly actions on cultural imprint of his hand over the government in the field artistic expressions and Cultural Rights.

A forum held in the Wod Trade Center , organized and sponsored by the collective EA - http://www.ea.miarroba.com/ under Diploma " Management Cultural term was based on the evidence presented in the day, and researched in advance by each participant to follow through on each of the points involved in cultural matters, from government program noted above.

All May 21, as you know, we provide an annual accounting of the major themes developed and implemented in the last period. As is known, such materials are not national interest, hence the reference to them, is practiced mind minimum. Therefore address this omission creates this action, where this team realizes the "21 May Cultural

The most significant results of this research a conceptual vision of its foundations and a projection future to then share them for you:

1 .- "A Cultural State policy that transcends the current government and that gives continuity to the policies to promote the various cultural manifestations "

The truth is that the " Fomento " although as a way of subsidy, it is effective, is far from being a political government in cultural matters. The development in recent three governments of the consultation has been limited to the delivery of resources, through different channels such as contests public, Internships , called presentation of projects between other tools. Effectively

Works has been "THE" State policy for cultural development, leaving the creators Circulation of goods produced. Promoting the concept that is translated in its purest interpretation "Action to promote consistent administration, usually by economic or fiscal incentives that individuals make themselves generally useful activities considered.

However, culture is a very sensitive, it is not delivering benefits or tax credits soft, as is the case of micro entrepreneurs to the "cultural industry is composed" as this has an element that makes it rich in essence and complex in form, this industry requires "knowledge, recognition and interpretation social "for subsequent recovery and influence and also , let's say, for auto financing, as was the case of Cinema.

reiterate, the provision of supplementary resources clearly the absence of commercial incentive that may have the artistic creations is a good tool, but for a machine that does not exist. "The front of the Ox Cart."

Conclusion: This action, which is rather doctrinaire. Indeed it has been segmented met even more funds - sometimes lacking more technological areas related to art- and resources have increased steadily, except in some cases, eg Dance. Development

But this does not say relationship with Policy Governments and their significance, necessarily depend on the willingness of the government Policy Shift, not if, for example infrastructure development or State apparatus institutionalized of Art Dissemination of Public Training, part of communication channels or information. "Image is everything." Without this it will artistic space, but separated from the cultural, in its widest expression.

2 .- "We will refine the coodinacion between cultural institutions and the protection patromonial . CNCA will enhance skills in selection and national awards. Will push more resources and powers to regional councils Culture
We have a number of public institutions with competence in the generation, processing, management, administration and promotion on Cultural.

These institutions produce and manage their and data management data using archaic systems Technological Advice - Own our body STATE - This process has been developed without proper coordination between the institutions. Our practices are aimed at every sector carry out the process according to their particular needs, without worrying about what happens mostly in these same subjects in other sectors, though, are increasingly also services is not fact that fewer and fewer human resources and instances of dialogue between them - a consequence of point 1 -.

The with their respective selection criteria and competencies of individuals to designate the national art awards, has achieved greater transparency and effectiveness in both their postulacion as in their respective selection.

In regions there is a pioneer spirit Management - As noted by Alfredo Barria Cultural Council Valparaiso - The work of the councils is to establish criteria and transparent distribution of resources given to Artistic Promotion. But absolutely no competition for feed, develop or implement policies Cultural Responsible Government. Development is again merely by via resources. Councils seek to relate a state public authority, with civil society, without thinking or make arrangements aimed at the private world. There is no specific regional project to incorporate the private world, in its proper role and actions. Only pioneering spirit can deliver some exceptions regions.

Conclusion: The Coodinacion is still poor, you can not handle a management of this magnitude only with passion . In relationship to the regional councils, again, the concept of promoting passes, this time, almost exclusively by the aspect of resources. To confirm the above and just look at some of the 10 functions that the law provides for regional councils and turn them - charges if not respectable personalities that noble and free exercise - in Cultural bureaucrats.

.- Assign the New Competitive Regional Fund.
.- See the fund targeting
.- Choose the jury.
.- To determine the need for infrastructure in the region
.- Promote networking, dialogue and communication between universities, corporations and foundations, looking for a relationship between these classes. (All Development instances caused not just by the STATE.
3 .- "Doubling the School Enrollment Fantasy , incorporate the education Artistic accreditation system university and a greater number of hours of art and music in educational programs schools and lyceums.

Thirty-five art schools are found throughout the country . Most of them rely on public agencies and all perform a constant work for the teaching of various disciplines of art aimed at children, youth and adults.

In Memory of II Convention of culture 2006 " specifies the progress in this field. Undoubtedly, are significant advances from the point of view the debate, but the fact of working in 9 different charges, a fact that this work still frame, and spent two years in the sphere theoretical , where some of the results, we intend to implement recent from 2010, ie the change of government, should assume this implementation, which no doubt depend , the incumbent government therefore would prejudice the fact clearly establishes a policy cultural Permanente, one of the main objectives of the cultural policy of this government.

practicing Commissions are
1: Training Artistica Commission
2: Fostering the Creation Commission
3: Legislation Cultural Commission
4: Cultural Infrastructure Commission
5 : Cultural Industry Promotion Commission
6: Strengthening access
Commission 7: Fornacion
Commission Hearing 8: Institutional Strengthening and Development Commission
9: Promotion of Native cultures.

In Report in question, the record of progress, members of the commission , the views of the entities involved and these fronts existing theme and objective and detailed analysis of each of the committees, which take their hands, STATE action on the Cultural next year, can encontrarala
in the article " Commission 9, the Future of Chile"

Going back to point 3 The "Art and Culture Full School Day " recently began to be implemented this year, it is expected that newly of the CCREDITATION This curriculum was implemented in 2010, as a way to have a concrete alternative to the formation Humanist and Technical Training. The increase in enrollment has not been so, in fact according SIMCE report, these enrollments have declined as a result even the lack of incentives and Appreciation of artistic area in today's society. in relation to the quality of the facilities study, Experimental School of Music only "Jorge Peña Hen " in the trial SIMCE 2006, achieved a major milestone in the national scores.

The accreditation of universities, is still very far from the possibility of being considered, although the speech is, a different one. Without the Participation and legislation by the Accreditation Council , hardly may be match selection criteria , validity and validation and the traditional formation.

Conclusion: There hard work on the subject, but not yet out of the theoretical aspect . There is an absence in analysis performed, the specific aspects of the Training Market artistic, the excellence in future assessments related artistic schools . Funding for these schools has increased, it has been important, as it has allowed these educational spaces, complete projects and purchase materials necesaqrios absolutely for educational training. reduce implementation times , incorporating a intituciones , national entities at this stage is international, it seems absolutely necessary, to "quicken the stride" and not expect a "revolution artistic Pinguin" in the streets. 4 .-

bring culture to the regions and the insert in the process of decentralization be bringing artists and cultural managers, as part of the service professionals country offers more remote locations. create artistic development centers in regions with economic incentives and tax and contestable funding support Specific storage requirements "

program COUNTRY SERVICE to date has not incorporated or not artists cultural managers. This task, simple as that involves running, seems like an absolute commitment failed. The professional career requested to date is 61, where only two overlook areas related cultural sphere, the "Bachelor of Arts" and "Intercultural Educator " http://postula.serviciopais.cl/remote/ listado_prof.asp , and `by national experience, neither of these careers, fit the profile of artists and cultural managers.

The QUAKE PROJECT has been one of the most successful tools implemented as a way of diffusion and circulation of cultural goods. Through this project, have been able to publicize many artistic samples, many of them financed by funds state, which have led to very isolated areas and communities in our country . The consecration of this project will give it then one of the remaining tasks, the greatest impact on the diffusion and its realization , not politics propaganda, but as a legitimate example of the use of resources and State efforts in the cultural field

assumes that the development of artistic poles in regions, should be the responsibility of regional councils, however, as noted above, the members of these councils lack the availability of time - its duties are ad Bono - and the powers that the law gives them to make this work. Then pregunat is clear, is who are performing these tasks?. would be good to know. economic incentives and prosecutors, this research team not identify, new regional funds exclusively, not those already existed before this government program in Cultural.

Conclusion: If it were not for QUAKE project, which already existed product management of Claudio Di Girolamo in command of the previous institutional Cultural - The Division of Culture - we could note that this is one of the most weak with respect to its execution , within the political Government Cultural Michelle Bachelet .

5 .- We hope to have a public library and cultural center in each district of more than 50 thousand inhabitants and promote the cultural SMEs, especially in regions. "

The institution and agency This task is DIBAM , and could not be the best person to make titanic task Nivia Palma ex coodinator of Fondart and now Director of Libraries, Archives and Museums DIBAM , institution designated to perform that task. This is being conducted, and from the standpoint of development, more developed work in cultural politics. However, without concrete support of Ministerion of Education dificles achievement came with a hand. Given the vastness of the task, it would be futile ineficiencio and to draw conclusions as premature.

The development of regions depends again to increase competition commissions regions.

Conclusion: Task progresses, one of the more specific and further advance the political cultural Bachelet. Requires a much more significant support and administer it for their achievement, but above all an administrative support, more scope for ejecusion .

6 .- "State Fund for property acquisitions, administered by the Heritage Institute, consisting of contributions public and private, unclaimed inheritances and unporcentaje of national assets not disposed of, reinvesting resources regionally corresponding "

reference frame "The commission of cultural institutions, is once again one of the areas more progress in the sphere cultural tasks. Conceptual support of the have UNESCO and the work has been impeccable, it is recognized that the time is within what is necessary to develop a policy a serious area as complex as assets. In the FESE of "Diagnosis · have reached concluisiones necessary and sufficient to pass from one party to theoretical structure.

In fact it has been so especially consierada this discipline with peers and specialists area, who have been humble enough to open the debate from a series of questions and doubts that have been reflected in consultations citizens to contribute.

Conclusion: Task well played, intelligently designed and developed communally. Policy pure within the scope social .

7 .- will establish a national cultural tourism ......................... especially the principles declared and cultural heritage "

To date there is no related tool on this would get . Even more, the task more significatriva to date has been the support of Easter Island, at 7 wonders, although it is lation is effective formula diffusion and market reach, does not involve an effort management development from the standpoint of equity and arquieologico . Without copnservacion we hardly tourism.

programs SERNATUR for example, have made great impact on older people either by their price and ease of access do not include plans related to this matter. There is a real boost to the tourism agency for implantation this program envargadura much less there is a special work in the formation of these professionals for valuation of these programs within the country. In fact, 40% of the programs developed within this scope have been implemented by foreign owners of tourism enterprises.

Conclusion: Area avandono obviously, and without a planning even theoretical for the proposed task. The link and commercial tourist that involves working with small and medium enterprises tourist, obviously should be a format useful to the ends sought. Perhaps the Ceacion a " TOURIST AGENCY STATE " under the administration of SERNATUR can be a useful tool for management .

8 .- "We will create a National Cinateca . We will develop an integrated cultural information that it maintains an account internacionalmente.Crearemos Comparable data satellite of culture perm, ita know and gauge the contribution of culture to the economy the country and economic activities producing goods and services for Culture

The national Cinematheque is in full operation.

The creation of an integrated, in the present circumstances is impossible. difil parameters are updated according to strictly comparable methodology and organization necessary to realize what we have today. So we can hardly design an international standard that allows us to have reliable data and reliable, to exploit this documentation for the search of links fudamentar and incorporation in the body of the free trade, to exchange eun within this framework, then imagine that the main motivation of creating this statistical basis points in that direction.

Satellite Accounts culture is a system of economic measurement of activities and products that make up the cultural sector. The satellite adjective referring to its construction hinges on the concepts, definitions, classifications and accounting rules of the System of National Accounts, which in our country, depends on the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses.

The overall objective of the Satellite Account of Culture is to know more precisely the contribution of industries and cultural sector to gross domestic product *. These data presented in the form of quantitative and qualitative economic aggregates can clearly see the economic and social dynamics of the industry and provide invaluable information for the formulation of cultural policies aimed at growth in activity and protected the country's cultural diversity.

One of the questions that arise from the creation of a cultural satellite account is that to measure the activity "economic in the cultural industries", the first thing you should have, are the industries, and currently the only they can shed, data interesting about it is the film industry, which although it is true, it is daring to call it as such, at least they have the basic elements in order to be called that way.

Conclusions: The creation of an integrated system and the Creation of a cultural satellite account should be two of the objectives to respond more to the forefront and snowmaking on Public Affairs in the cultural sphere. This is why you can not say anything about it, but to acknowledge the path it has taken. However, it is believed that such an important step as this, should be given to responsible and effective way to avoid creating unnecessary assets remaining in the time saved memory. This indicates, mainly because to manage, create, and document coordinadar this task, it requires a special department, which in other countries is called "Circulation and comerciabilizacion of cultural property." One question, which would deliver an answer, we imagine that gives us the reason is

You know the relevant bodies, generate few jobs, tax payments, purchase of inputs, technology development, training, creation and promotion of micro and tourism, creates only FONDART nationwide with its resources?

sad thing is that this study was to be resolved since 2004, and now it is a novelty Politics and Culture Program Who said this?. To make matters worse there is a theoretical basis for the development of these estdisticas, never to use "good copy poruq eno? Should not be in this the International Culture dept?

View Document
Indicators for the Cultural Sector in Chile (Project 2004) study
Law and Culture (implemented in Latin America from 2003)

9 .- "We will create joint programs with Book Industry, to expand the market. Following the pattern of what was the film industry, state support, market logic and a combination of promotional tools artistic and productive development "

Draws attention that the state should focus more on the open market, that opening the books to be read. Put another way, before opening the market and help the industry the book to sell more, be central to increase reading in different age stage of Chilean society. One of the questions that arise from this point is the connection that exists, with the objective number 5, here designated , ie to implement 1 library per 50 thousand inhabitants, involves 340 public libraries, thinking that each have a minimum of 2500 books, it would require 850,000 copies of various thematic and authors. Now if in addition, we add reliza the Fund purchase of the book in the library building area, we only tell us about these two concepts, the state must purchase 1 million copies, with an average cost of 2,500 pesos total money is attached to companies editorial is 2 thousand 500 million pesos, about 5 million dollars, what do these publishers, for a client so transcendent? Follow

model, implemented in the audiovisual industry and apply it to other artistic disciplines, it makes sense and delivers a minor paradox. If you can implement this model, we then believe that private companies, which are definitely one of the most important agents of the suggested model, they are interested invest in the visual arts, dance, theater, just as in the movies. And second, that the other disciplines, supporting the incorporation business, the same as film. If everything were that way, then why have not already done?, If that way "so that the work meets state subsidiaries in which no necestan?, Because the logic of the market, it is just that, the supply and fully demand balances in the elasticity of trade - buying and selling.

The answer is very simple, the film has sufficient commercial impact, to seduce the treasury and finance companies advertising in question. The film supports the incorporation subliminal advertising without affecting the essence of the cultural product and finally the film has enough exposure to that market logic of this product.

Conclusion: Thinking market logic to the development of cultural industries, ie, "Shut the funds, subsidies and all the tools of the State to promote the Arts" invisible hand that regulates them. Impossible, as the inependencia of many artistic disciplines, its own essence, do not support many times, something more than a company logo in the invitation to inaguracion.Preocupa ingenuity custion this point, and concepts that are put forward suggest, a fundamental error, close to the unpresentable.


A cultural politics, transcendent, permanent and requires an institutional actions properly administered. This involves the coordination and clear delineation of responsibilities and objectives of each of the members of that organization. Specific purposes, must be contained in the general and only now can recognize the specific, in the action of government cultural policies implemented.

most recognizable The overall objective is to encourage, by way of providing resources through public funds, but there is a distinct dimension, the promotion in its broadest expression, as if so, maybe we could defend the fact that the building is the cornerstone of cultural policy implemented.

Certain proposals, mainly those related to the area of \u200b\u200barts education, the deepening of the book market, and the decentralization of cultural management areas, lacks a coordinated and effective administrative support, such as the National Council Arts and Culture. This institution has accomplished, remarkable achievements in our understanding of the cultural management and coverage of artistic production, but can not be determined clramente, cultural policy implemented.

The actions undertaken in the area of \u200b\u200binfrastructure, is one of the most remarkable, designed in form and in the accomplishment of the task required. There

failure in international management, connection with heritage institutions, search and contributions from external funding and a smooth comuniccion as an exchange in the international arena. Call

pleasantly attention, the visionary in relation to the statistical comerciabilizacion cultural development that reprentaciones in point number 8. This task is expected a significant step in the understanding and appreciation social, cultural activity, besides being a very clever way to do this is to say, speak the same language from the market.

remains still time and members engaged in this study, manifest some of the conclusions are estdisticos aspects for the creation of a more objective view. However, the lack of data on the subject, not the responsibility of the equipment in question, but the lack of official documentation, some of the issues. That is why the expertise and experience of the members peronal came as a supplemental, for the generation of ideas and opinion.


.- Deputy Council Disclaimer, Maria Elena Artnz . Page


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