Monday, December 29, 2008

Polaris Xtra 10 Suspension Setup



Chronicle and story that deals with various aspects of this award, based on technical deficiencies in the transmission, such as background, in relation to the loss of Concept in the award itself. It deals with many personal experiences and those involved.

Having the ability to deliver a great tribute to Anita Gozalez, which by now is a national debt, or at age 50 stroke, 50 years of work do you know what that is?, but never anything like this happen in the Chilean theater. But no, neither one way nor another. The Apes and ALTAZOR died and commits the same errors running the risk of finishing well.

Chronicle and story that deals with various aspects of this award, based on technical deficiencies in the transmission, such as background, in relation to the loss of Concept in the award itself. It deals with many personal experiences and those involved. Finally enntrega contributions.

Chilevision Cultural Area, are 10 pm and open
emissions of the ninth award of the ALTAZOR.

More than 20 000 works in competition, 300 nominees and 31 winners. Where is that I do not see this majestic volume Creative?. Surely extrenar in populations, families and a couple of friends which is not bad but insifuciente for resources involved in some cases from state and others merely cultural management and self-produced Didacta. In neither case is worth so little exhibition.

Ohiggins Park The Dome was the site of reception, before the former Palace of the Currency and the Underground Museum, (which was inauguration, Nicanor Parra and Farewell) before Matucana 100, so the ALTAZOR not home and that is note.

was Gala Night event but it seemed that is not the same but is equally Silvio Rodriguez - La Maca Pizarro begins thanks to no more than 300 people (80 of which hauled at the last minute, like a small-town vote ) on a dome for 15 thousand people. Unusual. That was the cause of penunbra and orchestral amplification awful place. Raul Aliaga

director of an orchestra Altazor, Good idea poorly executed ..

Then in a leap of consciousness a Mapuche agruacion the Orchestra Tirua Child "- sings in Mapudumgun and he cries a translation to really integrate all the message we want to deliver. Mapudungum know how many? First

Front Panel, no light and applause in the oscuridadad.
Esperanza Silva, Director of Chileactores appears on screen, she likes me so nothing to say. Maca Pizarro said that the Children's Orchestra is supported Tirua Lucsic Andronico. Editorial message would be the only all night, plus late because Tirua children were almost above the bus.

First screen appearance in Paulina Urrutia, dressed in white as excellent authority actress and person. His only appearance was lost in the darkness of the place and applause. As throughout the week.

Again "the" Macarena reading a letter from Michelle Bachelet, very rare, they return to greet Paulina Urrutia and Deputy Secretary for the second time, was suddenly sounded more distracted the drivers, the director confuse rather than help. 15 minutes and still nothing happens, television, a fiasco so far.

start with Musical Arts: Run-Run
north sounds (Notable Agreement and interpreting eye Francisca Valenzuela Julieta Francisca Venegas), the artist is presented, with exception of honorable exceptions, before macarena .........., filed no later Francisca especially when 90% of the public does not know. And I'm realizing that we address problems. Francisca Valenzuela insist is good Good, Very good it. We

panning with front and back to the public, without any effect on the three hours of transmission, not even a cast, no nothing, panning, lighting pictures trasnsicion eighties with all the resources of television now The rising Franzanni

aparace, the longstanding complaint that the radios only play 10% of National programacional. Franzanni should head up a Law To Change Things, are indicated as representative of the new generation of leaders, give you support. Although the Truth with new technologies, access to broadcast for a sector wing of the musicians is a thing of forgetting (FACEBOOK, MY SPACE, BLOG, ETC)

Anita Tillut
Sterte Nano (Debio Win)
Malebran Denisse (G) "evils"

Musical Performance Percussion Alexander Reid .- .- (G)
Andres Perez .- .-

Tax Ad-Hok

scrub. (should have won )
Synergy (G) Is this Rock?

Minister yells something to the stage we did not hear, the director takes to hear no more Frandula of Synergy Vocals, while you get your premio.En the Channel Farandula Farandula no more calls. It's good exercise tolerance (Welcome to the Cultural Area Chilevision). Are the various shades and contradictions that delivers the market.

ALTAZOR Orchestra rings, rings, rings with some other intractable recognizable chords Fernando Rozas. A dynamic cast is crying out ,.... but nothing, as University study, which Justito. Juanita comes

Ubiergo Fernando Parra and she haughtiness, the sober but Fome. Docta Musica

Mayor Andres (Winner)
Boris Alvarado (should have won)
Andres Ferrari

Opera Del Barrio, Andres Mayor and the first warning of bomb in his complaints to receive the award is against Margot Loyola .............. and sometimes incessant musical fundamentalism

(his house located near Quilin the Rotunda, is incredibly beautiful, someone could send a camera to a note ....)

Cristian Galvez (G) Mario Feito

Rita Gongora (DG)

Cristian Galvez're more Gordo but also much more mature, can see both of you as your music. I dream to see you playing with four other Chilean musicians and performing grouping, would be the best in the last 40 years. Four Chilean musicians reserve to me.

Quelentario (Winner)
Manuel Sanchez Muñoz Cristian

Earn Quelentaro, okay everything is little recognition for them. Manuel Sanchez to be again How are your Guitarron workshops in the Cajon del Maipo?

Curtain Oruqesta played by ALTAZOR is despicable, now more than ever, because their chords sound like classical music and Folklore rewards.

Quelentaro thanked the Municipality of Maipu and I wonder why someone does a survey of the corporate culture of each community and how these are working? The connection support and unification of these cultural entities are would give a huge boost to these entities which added to the houses of culture and local support, would be much more transcendent to the culture of this country, but really, without politics, without pequeñeses, all work and efforts, "asking too much?. LITERARY ARTS

A Conversation simulating a chat between Paul, Gabriela and Armando Uribe, good idea, but could be better achieved. Dioscoro aparace Rojas, remember those bottom near the Plaza Egaña, Buena Dioscoro were very good, who imagined that would be the start of the summit Huachaca. Fernando Villegas, the rate is high, I dislike, but respect his intellect and poise profundamento. Fernando is note required to attend.

Dioscoro, lengthens, it appears the Republic and harmony of a free verse and intimate special recognition
LOM Ediciones

Best Book
Alejandra Costamagna (Winner) Jose Miguel Varas

Earn Alejandra and I remember some meetings at which point you hated the awards and recognition because creis that works have their own life and therefore it is these that should receive the applause. But it is nice to receive the promotion and recognition of your peers right?. Dioscoro read the introduction of the Winner, his tone is perky and especially close. Dioscoro you ought to work on translations, your voice tone and texture is remarkably theatrical. Think about it. POETRY

Claudio Bertolo ( Debio Win)
Montealegre Jorge Alberto Rubio

Montealegre appears and the public does not like much. Montealegre was Director of the Council of the Paper, had problems in office and it seems that some wanted him to pass some beads. Pia Barros his wife speaks through him, - the message it sends - and the third Chilevision tolerance cry, "The Morning After Pill and the right to choice of Women" appears in the mouth of Concertacion Montealegre. Will know that this is not the l dicusion conflict but as of distribution. LITERARY ESSAY

Jose Bengoa
Gonzalo Millan (Winner)
Floridor Perez

Curtain park again, and nobody knows you play, you really need to know if what we hear is of some national authorities, by rights, by the kind of award I say no .. First batch of commercials and the question is, When we understand that is not synonymous with solemn monotone and flat, maybe in real life yes, but not on TV?

We return to the Dance, and the oval stage movements and transitions of the dancers dance group, urging the director, but works out of the dance paso.Era Spiral Bunster Duck died. Recorde

the Dance Department of the Ministry of Culture are a team of 6 people, they are responsible for promoting and managing all the action on the expression state artistic. Will it be enough?, NO. Roldan elgun minute I was alone as a representative of this department, that was not enough, but unusual. Rodriguez

The winner is the triumph of Independent Dance. Eli, you had to the Minister in front of you, with a TV camera for all of Chile, it was time dicir four words than necessary and would be the theme today, yesterday and tomorrow a commitment fulfilled task why not say anything?. CHOREOGRAPHY

Elizabeth Rodriguez (Winner)

Valentina Pavez Francisca Morand and Patricio Pimienta


Raymond Hilbert Alfredo Bravo (Winner) Jorge Carreño

The Spiral Group is becoming the big winner this week, with a great sign for independent dance again. Isabel Croxatto not see you, You should be at least nominated for Best Dancer

Paola Morel
Kana Nake
Josselyn Morrison

you Ask yourself exponents for the three nominees are only the Chilean National Ballet.? Connolly bellows winning artist biography because the audio is lost between them.

FONDART In the arena at this point of public corruption, is an example of good administration. THEATRE

Gonzalo. Valenzuela and Magdalena Max-Neef both identified with the TV named the winners of the theater.?. Problems casting. Drama Theatre

Jaime Rodrigo Muñoz
Cinema Theatre (Winners)

Rodrgo Achondo
Juan Carlos Sagal (Winner)
Jaime and Francisco Perez Bannen Vadell

Mayor White
Catalina Saavedra (Winner)
Amparo Noguera

This Brutal regrind in big winner is the playwright John Radrigan and playwrights over "the circus on stage." Do not tell me anything Don Juan, you told me 10 years ago in my thesis, charged with the colorful theater, you are the daughter ladrillos.Su playwright, is by its very path, ACTOR

Francisco Noguera Hector Melo
Charim Nissim (Winner)

A Maca Pizarro at this point, he shouts a neckline, and going in two hours and not know where to keep looking. We go to the third round of commercials.

returned and the Orchestra Altazor corina is nothing and the thing niuna. El Comercial de Chocolates Visio recently saw, is stronger than the shade of the awards. SCULPTURE

saw Carlos Andres Ampuero
Gulisasti Josefina (Winner)

While performing these awards ceremony comes a product that performs Josefina Gulisati mention the "Galeria Gasco. I come back to mind the law of cultural grants and the importance of this type for the Visual Arts Gallery National.

Other companies could give impetus to understand that the possibility of creating such instance in addition to bring commercial benefits - The simple fact of being appointed as an awards ceremony last night, be taken for three months paid maintenance but -. also benefits Picture.

Eduardo Vilchez Carlos Altamirano

Teresa Gacitua

appears Brugnoli.Brugnoli Francisco Visual artist is a teacher - also Director of the MAC - but a fiasco presenter who does the casting? Among the public asked a producer film. The same thing poreguntamos everyone for 5 times.

Javiera Garcia Huidobro is the companion and Pancho Brugnoli, beautiful, woman qye more uakari monkey.

on stage for the awards ceremony of Photography Maria Gracia and MG Subercaseaux Duclos.Recuerdo when I answered a question that you made on the importance of Fotolog Support and Videos Narration in photography as a tool of dissemination, she said "What the fuck is that of fotovideo in internat ", but that's ok, we know the reaction of some photographers with digitales.Me technologies like, honest and unfiltered, as well as their photographs. PHOTOGRAPHY

Javier Godoy Jorge Miguel Echepare

Alicia Villa Real
Carlos Altamirano Carolina Ruff Complete Works

Francisco Javier Olea Olea

Patricio Alberto Montt

Team Before going to trade what should be shown the Lev Motiv of this award, a tribute to Anita Gonzalez, The natural and honest emotion of Actor Don Luis Alarcon given a different tone to the transmission and privacy in a space, as the Dome, hardly sensitizer. Too bad

only see part of that emotion, as to conceal the 14 thousand seats empty in the Duomo, the Eyes of Don Luis hardly visible. And comes with

best of the night - from the point of view of production - the worst hand.

dialogue ends with silhouettes of Desideria, take the excitement of Don Luis and send us to the fourth round of Commercial ...... It can not be ............ that transmission of these features, so be unfortunate artistic direction - I think that frenton not had - but, combined with the lack of visual approach and finally the show was zero deference to the homage, the other way was to meet.

Too bad, because in addition to all technical aspects and in addition identified a lack of awareness - I mean the film - brutal. Anita Gonzalez should be sad. I remembered what Bastian said in February Bodenhoffer year on the absence of memory of this country. A Pena, but nothing new.

Back from commercial, but Anita was not known and almost nothing is said if not for Aldo Schiappacasse. Maca Pizarro says he is a lover of cinema, as the foundation for all we understood of why Aldo is on the Stage. Sign

Aldo and kills himself, kills Altazor suffering from the long wait "longer than Lola." But it would not pass Aldo Anita and gives him new words outside the script, to our great Actress.

all want the audience to stand, clap in the same way that he had done for 40 minutes in a tribute paid to a French citizen but ,....... ,...... no time and "truthful as in Chile want the Stranger - well deserved in this case by the honoree.


Amparo Noguera Claudia Celedon
Belgica Castro, Aldo

should be the co animator Ms. Pizarro, without certainly by the use of time, the context, the songs, which is a good conversationalist is not notice. poque not read anything that you were told that the Maca diga.Ademas can not be left alone on stage .

Alejandro Siviequin (Winner)
Daniel Alejandro Muñoz Alejandro Sieveking

Win is a tremendous actor, an actor of excellence, big players have Chile? I would think that just before sending this I met with the Chronicle Down Here in my office was next to Belgium Actress Castro. talk to them a bit and felicite.Alejandro my teacher when I was barely 21 years, what a shame not to realize at that time quality character who had to face. Today I told him 2 hours

recent transmissions and tell us about the history of the statuette that is given as a sign of success in the awards ceremony. Leonor Varela

appears - I travel alone from the U.S. to be the host of the Winners in Film. Undoubtedly a gesture of great value not be forgotten.

must be because she is the daughter of late Chilean great scientist, the subject is a cot. A lesson to all those guests who did not arrive and they put in to production problems given the number of empty seats. It's the best dressed, best Hairstyle. It gives us the key to how things should be done just right.

remember when I studied theater, was in the Coorporación Cultural de la Reina, we had our dress rehearsal before opening night, our director told us we would have a surprise for this test, doa actresses who attend the general to give us his vision and art criticism . We could not believe that the two actresses were Ximena Rivas and Leonor. Simple We were students ------- Theatre Workshop, but they came, another example of his mettle and simplicity. BEST DIRECTION


Carmen Castillo Jose Luis Torres

We turn the Pasquin and the pamphlet, is the fourth year of Tolerance for the production of the canal, appears the village of Santa Fe, Homage to Miguel Henriquez - Fubndador FPMR, is not wanted Don Sebastian culture? BEST DIRECTION


Joaquin Eyzaguirre Valderrama Cristobal

Sebastian Silva Sebastian came to the podium and calls down the music because you can not hear his biography of the speakers. Cara Dura. From that moment onwards ALTAZOR Orchestra and was a joke, by the curtain, by the sound. Alas, by the musicians, the director. The fault is not theirs but the direction that took advantage of a good idea. Leonor Varela

out, and with it his majesty the Glamours with a sense of waste espectaculo.Que let her go, after their long journey and have it display only 10 minutes. In order

Sale Leonor and enter Willy Semler, as Schiappacasse will exit the script and play a song that should be the Nature all day and gave him a word of thanks to the 50-year-STROKE

I wonder that if all the present and received their awards and were nominated, realizing that the ALTAZOR treatment did to Anita Gonzalez and 50 years of one of the most important theater companies in the history of Tratro Chilean national concern them reflection " e that is the point of these awards? We do here? and finally what I expected me and my work? BEST DIRECTION

Gustavo Marino (Winner)
Cristian Galaz Rodrigo Sepulveda

The Making of Heroes in this section is taken the night, and with great justice. Channel 13 made it possible. The national identity smell, and we all wondered when that day will ALTAZOR, has the awards ceremony a distinct identity, a format, style, has all the essence to do so, just missing the drive and talent. This

societies authors involved should put together a commission, a job today with newspaper Therefore, allowing you to achieve it. It's not about have nominees, the tone arm a week earlier, put a couple of "visual constructs" during transmission and "Let's take pa forward."

The people are, the talent is, so the X version Decima 2008, must be first level. I say it is a thing of lucas, please do not tell me that lack resources, as these always missing and no excuse ever. It is the same as saying, as I gained little short. BEST SCREENPLAY

Somebody full equipped for Mira (Winner)
Comedy Club Heroes

Paulina Garcia (g) appointing Antonio Amparo Noguera calf taxidermist

Blanca Lewin

These heights we're running, they all have cold and hunger, just now is more fun ............. rhythm, should always be so.

216 thousand seconds and Culturaldesesperada area, which is missing too, so that should acomular experience and add names to his apartment, so that in the future, we all think that this area Chilevision is more that one name to put to issue this Channel productions, with cultural characteristics. Must be a creative team commensurate with their area-

Alvaro Rudolph (Winner) July
Francisco Melo

deliver solutions to problems

.- Perform an annual catalog of winners for version 10 years. Build History and acomule transcendence. A Sampling of Best of Altazor, why not.

.- During Data Transmission delivers the "Cultural Industry in Chile", has many single studies should point out. (Axis:% of state investment v / s Private Funds) of the nominees and winners. Be informative

.- Audiovisual Cree seal of ALTAZOR. Audiovisula sobriety is appreciated, but not to include nominees faces, boxes, multiple scene - Even in his house with a proper TV can do - Drive by frankly looks better label basics and improve your transmission (3 hours and 10 minutes drive the awards ceremony) Spread .-

previously nominated works, which is a contribution to the dissemination of the work the ALTAZOR. Enter the viewer of the show's winner.

.- Define once and if the award is intended for viewers specialists or the general public. Both performed well may have slots, but definace (How many know that it is rewarding in Graphic Design and Illustration.)

.- What is important, the winners, the winning entries, etc. The path-

.- Trade Order binding to acclimate - No one asked to be the style of the Teleton - but I'm sure many artists can provide many ideas.

.- Involve nominees in previous debates on Art, Cafes, create gigs by folk groups of Jaaz etc, together prior to Altazor, Build Brand factor, that ALTAZOR not only a prize but a Cultural Action around the awards ceremony. Think about it. Local to reach to request a space for a month to touch the various nominees in musical arts in ALTAZOR and dimensions and offers a corporate presence in the cocktail inicial, see how you will have a line asking to be the elect.

.- If you want to empower their faces as presenters of the awards ceremony seems legitimate, but invite them prior to a reunion of schedule, will help solve all the issues that were unnecessarily adlante of the camera,

A Purpose of FPMR

I kept thinking whether to conduct a study on all offenders that the FPMR is provided to this country in the past 15 years. Thieves, murderers, con artists, we all. How good it would have the time to do this research and see how many lives and pain have cost. I make this reflection from the pain he must feel all those families who have been affected by some former members of this group and crimes committed in Democracia.Tema and Research apart, but when people consign thanks Miguel Henriquez Inspiration. Constradicciones of Democracy.

details and all the winners

Music Docta: Andrés Alcalde. "Opera Quarter, and suddenly the afternoon ...". Composition Studies Center Matta 365, Viña del Mar.
Jazz: Christian Gálvez. Imaginary. Seal Fish.
Pop-Balada: Denisse Malebran. Weeds. Oveja Negra .
Rock: Synergy. Delirio. La Oreja.
Root Traditional Music and Folk: Quelentaro. Coplas Libertarian. Independent Production.
Music Performance: Alexander Reid. Percussion.

Narrative: José Miguel Varas . Milic. Lom Ediciones.
Poetry: Jorge Montealegre. Can not Prevent Hair Loss. Geomundo - Asterion.
Literary Essay: Gonzalo Millán distinction posthumously. Blue Scorpion Venom. UDP editions.

DANCE Choreography: Elizabeth Rodriguez. When I dance, I dance, When I sleep, I sleep. Company Elizabeth Rodriguez.
Dancer: Raymond Hillbert. La Danza de Patricio Bunster. Spiral Dance Company.
Dancer: Paola Moret. Symphonie Fantastique. Chilean National Ballet.

Drama Theatre: Teatro Cinema. Bloodless force adaptation of Alessandro Baricco. UC Theatre.
Theatre Address: Juan Carlos Zagal. Bloodless. UC Theatre.
Theatre Actress: Catalina Saavedra. The Gross. Teatro La Memoria. Actor
Theatre: Nissim Sharim. Visiting Mr. Green. Sala La Comedia.

VISUAL ARTS Painting: Josefina Guilisasti. Still lifes. Sala Gasco.
Sculpture: Francisca Nunez. Plan B. Visual Arts Museum.
prints and drawings: Eduardo Vilches. Recorded. Gallery 13.
Photo: Jorge Brantmayer. Captive. Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes.
Installation and Video Art: Carlos Altamirano. Complete Works. National Museum of Fine Arts in Graphic Design and Illustration
: Patricio Pozo. Design of "Copying Eden, Recent Art in Chile." Editorial design.


Address Fiction: Sebastián Silva. La Vida Me Mata.
Documentary Direction: Carmen Castillo. Calle Santa Fe
Actress: Belgium Castro. La Vida Me Mata.
Actor: Alejandro Sieveking. Life Kills Me.

TV drama Address: Gustavo Graef Marino. Heroes - Balmaceda. Channel 13.
Management Program: Beatriz Rosselot and Francisco Gedda. Fruits of the Country. TVN. Screenplay
TV: Equipment: Pablo Illanes, Josefina Fernandez, Nona Fernandez, Hugo Morales. Someone will look. TVN.
Actress: Paulina García. Women's Prison. TVN.
Actor: Alvaro Rudolph. Someone looks at you. TVN.


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