Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Well Wish For Death Loss



Children's Orchestra of the Altiplano, consisting of 95 % of children of native peoples, is an initiative created in 2003 by Paola F. Canto, a founder of the first Youth Orchestra of Calama, who with the support of Minera El Abra, has managed to make the series "Seven Churches, Seven concerts, music scene that has managed to bring his music to the churches of Chiu-Chiu, Lasana, Ayquina and Caspana sharing with the inhabitants of each of these people the wonder of music.

This effort has been made in common with Ayquina Sanctuary, through the Fr. Patricio Cortés, "the priest of the peoples of the altiplano (TVN recently highlighted through a documentary), and Pullman Bus transport company

October 16, inserted into the agenda of the Feast St. Luke's, Children's Orchestra of the Altiplano, performed a concert at the portal of the Chapel San Lucas. The orchestra came to town early hours of Caspana, opportunity in the that the members had to climb a steep hill, moving to "beat" their classical instruments and altiplano to reach the offices of the Chapel of San Lucas.

Then Caspana community, was a procession through the town, moving to the patron San Lucas, up to the Chapel, where they held a traditional mass. Past 19 hours the temperature began to drop and the group that was in a plaza in front of the Chapel, conducted a final test to check the quality of sound.

Moments later, Father Duck, "as they say in the people" came together with members of community, to give the orchestra a few onces with bread. At 20 hours, the procession entered the square in the middle of songs and sounds of charango and guitar.
They entered the chapel where Mass was held briefly while the orchestra members were preparing to begin his presentation. After the Mass, the community installed the seats in the chapel, down the portal, where Caspana families were located to attend the concert.

This time the group had a wide repertoire, highlighting works in Chile, among which were recognized Violeta Parra, remembering his birthday is officially celebrated on October 4, four well-known songs interpreted by the distinguished Chilean singer. Later in the second part of the program included works plateau and classical music, is remembered and paid tribute to the late Maestro Fernando Rosas, the founder of the Youth Orchestras of Chile.

For nearly an hour children between 6 and 15 years performing works in which merged classical instruments, wind and Andean percussion and harp. At the end and leave, the orchestra played Canon in D, Pachelbel, with a unique arrangement for solo Harp, Strings, bass, and Palos de Agua.


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