Tuesday, December 30, 2008

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Retrieving Heritage History: CASINO


We continued with the work.
By Beatriz Valenzuela Van Treek

We are very optimistic because we recently have approved the necessary funding to restore the National Historic Landmark Casino Ross located in the resort of Pichilemu of our region. More than 500 million pesos from the FNDR.

Works will begin the second half of this year and tender the Regional Architecture MOP.

The history of this important building dates back over 100 years ago, when Agustín Ross dreamed of at the inlet of Pichilemu a major project that included these recreational facilities and leisure as it was the Casino, hotel, park, the terraces of the main beach, the avenue of palm trees, a gasometer and spas at sea.

In 1904-1906 large casino was built, the first nationwide, gaining Pichilemu a luxury spa profile that earned him the name, at the time of the "Chilean Biarritz, but had no port. Don Agustin Ross died a few months before another of his big dreams, the arrival of the railway station of Palmilla, in 1926.
The state of the Monument product is bad because of the deterioration of the roof during those years has filtered water and moisture permanently.

This is a simple view of the damaged wood interior partitions and the great frame of the roof of the attic, which is wood roble.El current owner is the City of Pichilemu who will who will be the Cultural Corporation Pichilemu and manage the building, where its exhibition spaces allow remodeling of art, sculptures and crafts workshops, a large library and cafeteria Pacific rooms for cultural activities in the coastal region of O'Higgins.

Enthused by the stories of the casino company's workers have been careful to keep "trash" they have found. Among

her a piece of a diary of the month Feber 1941, the "news", probably from some holidaymakers in occupancy period as "hotel casino. Also an American phone battery, which weighs at least a kilo. From 1909 until 1915 the building was occupied as a telegraph and mail. A door handle, socks porcelain electrical system.

The most exciting was the discovery of a ceiling tile in writing and signed by three workers in 1915. Inspect the progress of the work with the Culture Minister Paulina Urrutia and she was very shocked Also do this story, grateful for the recovery that we doing and excited to return soon to see progress.

The following note will show photographs of the vessel-belvedere built in this resort by Augustine Ross in 1910 and I will tell the story of its current owner, a dreamer and his wife retired.

About Beatriz Valenzuela will Treek
Location: Chile UCV
Architect, Diploma in Urban Planning (Denmark); Graduate Population and Development (UN-CELADE), Master in Development and International Cooperation (AECI, U. Complutense de Madrid, Spain). PhD courses in Urban (U. Politécnica de Madrid). United Nations Volunteer (Proy. Hon 91-023, UNDP).


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