Monday, June 8, 2009

Brazillian Blow Out With Black Hair


By Mayda Plant

http://www. /
When I asked my mom what she thought about Day told me what an amazing woman, "Daughter, this day is a farce ... Macho is a day ... one day we "grant" as a "truce" to "stop egging around a while" ... simply serves to make us believe that all is well with us women, we have come tired, we already have enough rights ... and blah, blah, blah. "

" THE COMEDY CLUB FOR WOMEN HAVE A DAY CREE is synonymous with evolution and freedom. "

And it need not be smart enough to realize that women gives us one day as they make the parents to give him a toy to young children, certainly the toy is purchased with the "purpose" (pretended otherwise) that the boy learn things and be encouraged and, yes, it is likely that, in part, entertainment in order to fulfill these purposes, why not, but no less true that, even so, the toy takes its time to distract the kid goat for parents to live their lives happily unmarried. Yes, with that managed to escape, let go of the "cache." It sounds macabre. It sounds as if parents do not want that child, and the subject, of course, is that "they want" but "how they want when they say they want."

It's crude, but it remains true, for no good intention is all good. Within all "noble act," if there is any benefit to draw. Very few would risk for something that could lose even more if danger is losing too much, therefore, if you do something, is knowing they will win. The risk you run, obviously, if there is any advantage to draw.

First, because those workers fighting for ALL existing employees until then (and not limited to gender), and second because, in my view, the creation of ONE DAY, should be sustained (in the case " the days of "had to be justified, since quite absurd they are) on the basis of visible and REPEATED triumphs, and not on" measures patch "as so far there. OKEY ... Women vote, but NOT IN ALL COUNTRIES. Women can opt for public office important, however, not all do, the other, "hoping a miracle" should be. Women now pursue careers at par with men, however, WAGE FOR U.S. IS STILL LOWER. Women can have sex for pleasure without the risk of pregnancy, but we can not freely choose FASTER METHOD AND CASH IS THE DAY AFTER PILL. Women today can beat a combo to husband asshole that "suddenly" we got aggressive, but if he hits us back (for sure ten times more, and stronger, because a man) And the point

that is. Our aims and ideals have been distorted and have been sold to the highest bidder offered on a plate to anyone who promises us momentary happiness. Instead of abolishing gender injustices, we have settled what is known in the animal movement as welfare measures, which, within the Animal Control, explained: "It is unacceptable for human beings to animals we use for take advantage of them, provided that the unnecessary suffering (for them) is avoided. "

I disagree and I'll never be in favor of holding it makes no sense to be celebrated. There you who fall, those who believe that days like these (the "day") serve to raise awareness and make the movement stronger. Beyond you who bought all the available offers. Not fishing.

I'll stick with those who believe, think, imagine and feel deep in your chest that social struggles, Justice, Equality, Love, Respect, there must be 365 days a year and ALWAYS with the same intensity . I'm with people who dare to think outside the system, which assemble their projects across the street, walking against the current, or better still, walk over the water, those OVERFLYING OUR HEADS. I remain, as Victor said, to sing with the workers ... and of course, with the workers. But beware .... I'm singing for 5 minutes, but I'm singing a ETERNAL SONG, the greatest song of life: the singing of people struggling Monday to Monday for all who suffer. It's that simple.


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