Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bluetooth Movies To Ps3

The business of the State (for now) not to be the owner of the ball

Many of us have heard today, especially in the last two years the concept of "state modernization agenda", - www.modernizacion.gov.cl - details that ultimately may be approached from different points of view, but are irrelevant detail.

The truth is that the goal of modernization, is a series of results that should aim at least certain principles and qualities of modernization, development (although not sure anyone can argue that development and modernization is synonymous with progress.)

Whenever the free market system, fruit set its imperfections in the wire always diffuse but strong in the distance and time of their actions, the State appears as a tool almost coorporativa answers and solutions.

almost two years ago has been working hard, at least from its promoters, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an AFP or State Isapre involving competition with parameters to generate a more real - gains in the first and costs in the second-for users. Just two days ago, a group of MPs has raised the need for "A State Pharmacy" apropos of the collusion of the three pharmacy chains fully identified.

examples and ideas intended to nationalize all that "job fair" does not compete on equal footing with the rest of the fairground, a priori, not a bad idea, you know the Empire of the burgers in the North, which has had to implement a system in financial matters "Socialist Market" where invisible hand that rules everything, stayed in the pocket and the state has had to go to private rescue estatatales resources.

However, the debate over old and stale, the role and scope of state economic and social matters, the truth is that we begin to live a fusion, intrusion and confusion increasingly actual roles that the model assigns each sector, ie the private and corporate responsibility (which is not nothing but a government pressure, legal and moral help in social products of their material gains) and the State of its regulatory role past - or want to spend - to be a active agent in the economy, not only with their expenses and investments eventually but now with their "Social Business".

The challenge is immense, so big that seems unattainable, especially when newly especially our state apparatus is in a modernization campaign based on transparency and efficiency (productivity, but not just efficiency) since 1990 - http://www.modernizacion.gov.cl/historia.html - and the advances are in the full view of everyone.

is why many say that instead of creating state institutions to supplement and replace the abuses of the market, the same as giving these ideas, should focus for what ultimately were chosen to create more efficient and real laws that allow for example that the collusion is very difficult to implement, but very easy to prove (the reality is exactly the opposite) and that perpetrators do not lose a job, but freedom (not penalisado with deprivation of freedom) etc.

Whenever anyone
playing with friends at the ball, win or the owner of the ball, or who put the game.


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