Friday, June 12, 2009

Congradulation Sayings


By Rafael Gumucio

cultural journalist finds nothing good, nothing bad, quite interesting, symptomatic rare. Finds Bukowsky Manuel Rojas is our or our Chekhov or our Hemingway. But it never comes to the discovery that Manuel Rojas Manuel Rojas is simply our, and as such, should read it.

I think the biography of a young Mexican writer first saw this strange nickname: cultural journalist. What journalism is not cultural? When Kapuscinski writes about African football, do or not journalism cultural, I asked in horror.
cultural journalist, explained to me later, is an honorable way to call the reporter to interview artists and review new books and exhibitions, to supplement or culture pages of newspapers, magazines or websites. A species rather shy and lazy journalists that, like it or not, belong fatally.

Those who have written and write sections of a newspaper culture know that we have only two alternatives. Or let us glued to the obituary page, and we are the laughingstock of the rest of the day, or get confused with the most vital entertainment section, which, moreover, the directors Newspapers and magazines often resemble naturally.

cultural journalist living in this dilemma, writes about people and centuries past, but have to convert the only thing that can not be: in urgent events.
Thus, paradoxically, like the art because it sells more. You need stories to tell. She loves to write a Japanese and English, or who kills his wife. Loves to ride bikes philosophers, writers who talk about football, the transvestites who speak evil of the world, feminists of lips, the writers too young to resist posing dress or have girlfriends Musketeer singers.

cultural journalist is full of taste, because it has no taste, is full of opinions, because they have no opinion. Faced with a naked book shakes. Calculate the number of pages, about his home, his readers, quoted Borges, a Brahms or John Lennon, look for key characters that lurk in the novel, gives lessons on syntax, everything and anything to not issue a trial. You can not afford to exclude anyone. You must complete page you have to recycle everything it finds. Thus, it can be freaky cult and the cult to be canonical. The irony always saved, and allows you to agree and disagree with everything and everyone, depending on who is the centenary What science-fiction novelist's hot, what Nabokov must discover a new hobby, loving, obsession, secrets or children.

cultural journalist finds nothing good, nothing bad, quite interesting, symptomatic rare. Discover Manuel Rojas is our Chekhov Bukowsky or our or our Hemingway. But it never comes to the discovery that Manuel Rojas Manuel Rojas is simply our, and as such should read it. He is a master in talking about novels like soap operas, and records as movies and films judged by his director of photography or the hair of the actresses.

Great editor back cover and flaps, good animator forums, useful book publicist go unnoticed without it, becomes dangerous when a species completely dominates the food chain of the literature. Somehow, what we call postmodernism is the arrival of this species rather marginal fifty years ago the entire domain of our culture. Damian Hirsh in the painting is the very symbol of that coup. Neither the university, dedicated to the glory of the cross transsexual, has resisted the rule of the colorful, the domain of the actual, as reportable.

Today, nobody seems so strange that writers are dedicated to recommending albums, movies and restaurants, as if being a writer was synonymous with having good taste. When you write novels, not a few of my colleagues are set to what anniversary is being celebrated, what will be remembered forgotten writer, what Central European culture will be reassessed when his book out of print. Not their fault, your subconscious is coated and top five lists, and actresses fetishes that replace real intimacy by artificial hygienically. On this false intimacy, collectors nerd with a bad taste very fashionable, most are written contemporary novels.

David Foster Wallace killed himself this month. Happily for cultural journalists hanged himself in a very reportable, just as they beginning to forget. Golden boy of his generation, tennis player, author of a novel than a thousand pages full of notes as footnotes, defender of the locusts, magician postmodern, sarcastic critic of his country, a martyr for his generation, cultural journalists have a thousand things to say about it. Nobody tells me, however, why should I read his books. Adored

, overrated, underrated, forgotten, before being truly himself, Foster Wallace embodied each and every one of the fantasies of cultural journalists. He was killed because he was sick and frail, but perhaps in the very depths of his mind he thought that this was the only how they could read their books without filling of adjectives before. Perhaps he thought that far from the trouble of cultural journalists could get to the quiet limbo obituary writers

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Loos Where You Can Find Gays In Mumbai



I declare my surprise, Don Gonzalo and his column is unlikely to clearly identify the details of my surprise, but I'll try.

His column lacks reliable data and arguments sustentanbles, but the worst is not that, but rather the demonstration of absolutism in trials of all kinds.

In his column could be spent with the birth rate is only valid as expression values \u200b\u200band index numbers, if this occurs within the marriage, the other is of low quality.

The "head of household" are products that were abandoned, not that they abandoned and cheated. But notwithstanding that, and its origin as a variable for you are bad and negatives suppose that this condition is perhaps, from a moral and economic value, exceeding (before and now there were women "abandoned", only now are heads of households).

The "couple" or "Marriage", are you ever wondered about the transformation changed the family said today? and what of why not have that presence, status and relevance in training?. The worst theoretical construction
exposed here - I repeat not for its substance but because of the fragility of this argument - are set out for you.

When talking about the economic crisis more than morality - because ultimately that's the opinion you stated, not censor - is because the current structure and economic system brings with it an associated value, an advantage if you will, that is related to an order given values \u200b\u200band morals. That is deception, as was finally established by the most conservative areas near the sixteenth century. You know what I mean. "Collateral Damage" I should have called. Economy

comes from moral, legal, religious, philosophical current of thought. That is why we talk over the former than the latter.

Please do not misunderstand me, as a result can understand the background of my argument and agree with me that, at least its starting point the reality is different than mine but we agree that the concept of progress - economic, social, moral etc-if now relative.

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The business of the State (for now) not to be the owner of the ball

Many of us have heard today, especially in the last two years the concept of "state modernization agenda", - - details that ultimately may be approached from different points of view, but are irrelevant detail.

The truth is that the goal of modernization, is a series of results that should aim at least certain principles and qualities of modernization, development (although not sure anyone can argue that development and modernization is synonymous with progress.)

Whenever the free market system, fruit set its imperfections in the wire always diffuse but strong in the distance and time of their actions, the State appears as a tool almost coorporativa answers and solutions.

almost two years ago has been working hard, at least from its promoters, the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an AFP or State Isapre involving competition with parameters to generate a more real - gains in the first and costs in the second-for users. Just two days ago, a group of MPs has raised the need for "A State Pharmacy" apropos of the collusion of the three pharmacy chains fully identified.

examples and ideas intended to nationalize all that "job fair" does not compete on equal footing with the rest of the fairground, a priori, not a bad idea, you know the Empire of the burgers in the North, which has had to implement a system in financial matters "Socialist Market" where invisible hand that rules everything, stayed in the pocket and the state has had to go to private rescue estatatales resources.

However, the debate over old and stale, the role and scope of state economic and social matters, the truth is that we begin to live a fusion, intrusion and confusion increasingly actual roles that the model assigns each sector, ie the private and corporate responsibility (which is not nothing but a government pressure, legal and moral help in social products of their material gains) and the State of its regulatory role past - or want to spend - to be a active agent in the economy, not only with their expenses and investments eventually but now with their "Social Business".

The challenge is immense, so big that seems unattainable, especially when newly especially our state apparatus is in a modernization campaign based on transparency and efficiency (productivity, but not just efficiency) since 1990 - - and the advances are in the full view of everyone.

is why many say that instead of creating state institutions to supplement and replace the abuses of the market, the same as giving these ideas, should focus for what ultimately were chosen to create more efficient and real laws that allow for example that the collusion is very difficult to implement, but very easy to prove (the reality is exactly the opposite) and that perpetrators do not lose a job, but freedom (not penalisado with deprivation of freedom) etc.

Whenever anyone
playing with friends at the ball, win or the owner of the ball, or who put the game.

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A month ago, the journalist Alejandro Guillermo, asked us all to "serving the military-Chilean -?.

His question was very specific, but I think from the fuss caused and the foundation which must submit its approach to defend him, stand back and take preferred finally say that your question was part of a situation and context much more limited. Self-censorship.

But, the scope of your question expressly states a world much deeper than I fail to emerge, and the risk of not wanting to be challenged without permission, my dear Alexander, if you want to perform freely , like any reader to the literature. Come To the point.

Theory; If we go to court to resolve the scope of our sovereignty, the latter never depend victory or defeat of our army (guarantor of that quality of our territory), which is why the strength, training, weapons and / or technology that our soldiers have is not revealing to the final outcome of our conflict.

If every dispute of any nature will end in court, we should invest a% too high of a legal teams (National and International) journalism and public relations, "Lobito", essayists, historians and anything that involves being aware of future conflicts can be resolved in courts as Hague, a permanent team and all events, it will finally be on his work defending legal force our national interest. Variables

1 .- Many said that having a strong army and prepared is the best defense to avoid conflict with other countries (the old excuse put forward).


Question by Alejandro Guillermo, is finalizing its reflection, is the definitive end of the title of this article.

Without any encouragement warmonger (Peruvians might wonder the same thing), I think there is this debate in the media with subject matter experts, we would clarify some points that maybe do not know, but clearly does not fit.


.- For now, our sovereignty is exposed and subjected "to the will of a trial and not by force of men" and we all know that the will is much more superficial than strength.

.- Nobody but a fool would seek a war. But innocence is sometimes like being a perfect idiot-

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discourse and conceptualization of television speech is part of a world of far-reaching consequences deeply. The form of the use of language in social communication, has different impacts, typical of a universal cry of unlimited scope and product technology support.

is why many times as we dwell on the news or stories in the media has a certain impact on citizenship. No less for example that the concept Femicide this absolutely ingrained in our society today. But two years ago, nobody knew.

If we say genocide, Hitler takes meaning that genocide is being made the world (The arrival of the English was one of the largest genocides in modern history), but no, Hitler wins.

The meaning and significant, reliefs and thus has profound consequences for the debate are erratic, technical and / or language that may arise from this reflection.

The signifier and signified rational recovery rests fact CIRCUMSTANCES or thing being described - Humberto Eco - which is why dwell on as they say (mean) things on TV for example, represents irrefutable what you think that particular Journalist channel or transmitting information, is not even necessary to think much about it to find out. A timeless example of the nineties "dictatorship, coup or military takeover."

Then I stopped in a repetitive concept of individual television channels which fall every one of them, a signifier that is not in accordance with its meaning and every one of us, we accept without compunction. Product even kill a human being driving while intoxicated is a crime - Offenders - and therefore commits a Crime - Criminal.

If we have taken so long to learn the femicide as a concept, we should stop saying: The driver Drunk driving or show the driver in a drunken state, he that drunk driving is a crime and KILL SOMEONE THAT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE, THE NOTICE MUST BE RELATED:

The offender .. ....... committed his crime at the intersection of Pocuro with Pedro de Valdivia. (

Set and mean that drunk driving is a crime and its perpetrator is a criminal, we can put in their Hustad as fact. Now, if we think, is that maybe many of us have offenders, have been (yet) committed a crime on the streets of the city. would understand then why we do not mean the act as such.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Brazillian Blow Out With Black Hair


By Mayda Plant

http://www. /
When I asked my mom what she thought about Day told me what an amazing woman, "Daughter, this day is a farce ... Macho is a day ... one day we "grant" as a "truce" to "stop egging around a while" ... simply serves to make us believe that all is well with us women, we have come tired, we already have enough rights ... and blah, blah, blah. "

" THE COMEDY CLUB FOR WOMEN HAVE A DAY CREE is synonymous with evolution and freedom. "

And it need not be smart enough to realize that women gives us one day as they make the parents to give him a toy to young children, certainly the toy is purchased with the "purpose" (pretended otherwise) that the boy learn things and be encouraged and, yes, it is likely that, in part, entertainment in order to fulfill these purposes, why not, but no less true that, even so, the toy takes its time to distract the kid goat for parents to live their lives happily unmarried. Yes, with that managed to escape, let go of the "cache." It sounds macabre. It sounds as if parents do not want that child, and the subject, of course, is that "they want" but "how they want when they say they want."

It's crude, but it remains true, for no good intention is all good. Within all "noble act," if there is any benefit to draw. Very few would risk for something that could lose even more if danger is losing too much, therefore, if you do something, is knowing they will win. The risk you run, obviously, if there is any advantage to draw.

First, because those workers fighting for ALL existing employees until then (and not limited to gender), and second because, in my view, the creation of ONE DAY, should be sustained (in the case " the days of "had to be justified, since quite absurd they are) on the basis of visible and REPEATED triumphs, and not on" measures patch "as so far there. OKEY ... Women vote, but NOT IN ALL COUNTRIES. Women can opt for public office important, however, not all do, the other, "hoping a miracle" should be. Women now pursue careers at par with men, however, WAGE FOR U.S. IS STILL LOWER. Women can have sex for pleasure without the risk of pregnancy, but we can not freely choose FASTER METHOD AND CASH IS THE DAY AFTER PILL. Women today can beat a combo to husband asshole that "suddenly" we got aggressive, but if he hits us back (for sure ten times more, and stronger, because a man) And the point

that is. Our aims and ideals have been distorted and have been sold to the highest bidder offered on a plate to anyone who promises us momentary happiness. Instead of abolishing gender injustices, we have settled what is known in the animal movement as welfare measures, which, within the Animal Control, explained: "It is unacceptable for human beings to animals we use for take advantage of them, provided that the unnecessary suffering (for them) is avoided. "

I disagree and I'll never be in favor of holding it makes no sense to be celebrated. There you who fall, those who believe that days like these (the "day") serve to raise awareness and make the movement stronger. Beyond you who bought all the available offers. Not fishing.

I'll stick with those who believe, think, imagine and feel deep in your chest that social struggles, Justice, Equality, Love, Respect, there must be 365 days a year and ALWAYS with the same intensity . I'm with people who dare to think outside the system, which assemble their projects across the street, walking against the current, or better still, walk over the water, those OVERFLYING OUR HEADS. I remain, as Victor said, to sing with the workers ... and of course, with the workers. But beware .... I'm singing for 5 minutes, but I'm singing a ETERNAL SONG, the greatest song of life: the singing of people struggling Monday to Monday for all who suffer. It's that simple.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Boardgames Used Wholesaler


face recent public statement of the Chilean Book Chamber, which made various criticisms and objections to Briefcase Literary Program and, in particular, the process of acquisition of books for the year 2009, Nivia Palma, director the Dibam, as a duty to deliver to the public the following statement

1 .- The books that comprise the 2009 Literary Briefcase have been acquired through a competitive bidding process, pursuant to the Framework Convention for "Purchase of books, CD, DVD, Magazines, Newspapers and Subscriptions No. ID 2239-65-LP07" of the Public Procurement and Procurement, which actively participated publishing and bookseller in the country, including international companies. Within that the Directorate of Libraries, Archives and Museums (DIBAM) conducted the "Call for Proposal, Technical and Economic Contribution mode under Major Procurement through framework agreement for the supply of books to Briefcase Literary Program (Phase II)."

2 .- Once the deadline, any company participating in the call made by the DIBAM to supply this Book Briefcase Literary Program, has filed complaint with the Court of Purchasing and Procurement. This means that all suppliers of this process, even those who were not selected, estimated that the procurement process was set to Law, the Framework Convention cited above, the precepts of "Call for Proposal" that made the DIBAM. Therefore, all claims made by class entities does not constitute an objection founded the procedure, but just an opinion.

3 .- From the first days of February and to date, several companies have asked the bidders DIBAM by the outcome of their assessment, all of which have been attended by personnel from the Directorate of Administration and Finance. This information, in detail is still available for any company Offeror and therefore is entirely public.

4 .- As indicated by the Chilean Chamber Book in its statement, the Director received on several occasions the Board of the Chilean Book Chamber, and also met with the Board of the Association of Editors of Chile, to hear their proposals and suggestions. He then proceeded to perform the "Call for Proposal, Technical and Economic Contribution mode under Major Procurement through framework agreement for the supply of books to Briefcase Literary Program (Phase II), consistent with law and relevant suggestions and welcoming not considering other legally not feasible. In fact, not for the DIBAM distinguish between public domain and those with payment of copyrights, therefore not under the said Framework Agreement and on the other hand, almost all of the titles summoned are subject to payment of copyright. Similarly, under the "Framework Agreement" and "Call for Proposal" was only possible to distinguish between titles by category (Encyclopedic Dictionary, Universal atlas, poetry-books-defined content authors, poetry books author-defined and undefined content - Poetry-books by various authors and content is not defined, "Stories by Chilean authors, Chilean author Novels, Comics, Universal Narrative, Fiction Children and Young People, Stories by Latin American authors, Playwriting.)

5 .- On the application of Models for Technical Assessment, it was referred to the "Framework Agreement" and "Call for Proposal" above. Moreover, 92% of the offers postulated met the minimum requirements, only exceptionally, some works could not be considered technically not be presented properly. In this regard, the DIBAM has acted with great responsibility because it must ensure that books will eventually reach families that benefited from the Literary Briefcase, are of quality not only in its content, which previously defined the jury, but also in materiality. This was important to assess since, as is evident to the world of publishing and educational books offered for this "Call for Proposal" of the DIBAM not necessarily have the same technical features that offered in public libraries, at a higher price up to 500%.

6 .- We appreciate the support that the Chilean Book Chamber granted the work DIBAM 2008, including the implementation of Agenda Literary Briefcase. We regret that this year, the same procedure for the definition of books by an external jury, and Purchase by Public Call Wholesale Purchase of Books, according to the agreement signed by the Chilean publishing world, and with similar criteria for technical and financial evaluation, not of total satisfaction of this professional body.