Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Church Anniversary Celebration Ideas

The realistic uncomfortable

I had the opportunity to attend a few days ago a paper on the competitive situation of our economy given by a person who had been CEO of one of the most important English companies, leading to level in its sector worldwide.

He asked the audience if we felt that our dear bull skin had the capacity to overcome the situation that was living. And the conclusion that arose was the same as has been argued in many articles and analysis done in recent months, we can if we are realistic and act with urgency.

And I came to the head then the criticism he received last year or year and a half the Governor of the Bank of Spain until very early in the crisis began to express opinions uncomfortable. Raged the disqualifications from all levels, especially from the Government and trade unions. The stubborn fact has given the reason much of what he said, his realism was not welcome. It is true that you can for some speculators we have become the duck against which point the shotgun, but perhaps have been more diligent, the storm had not been so strong.

last two days have been a heart attack, and today the beginning of the month, it announced a series of measures to show further strength to the markets, going back to "where I say that Diego" as the aid cut to long-term unemployed.

I hope now "realism" of some more listening. And our small-scale, practice active listening bother us, surely help us to overcome our blind spots.


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