Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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jungle for two hundred years to come

we could not continue putting together the puzzle of our presence
newspapers and trains crossed the road
satellite masks
summer fair sometimes a chair in darkness meant a lot too

a grocery bag full of canned
unknown planets, plates, silver, sand and applause

visions snow destroyed and thousands of bones, arrows, daggers dripping
and all non-forward collapsed in spectacular gesture
stopped, stopped breathing at a second point as any other

static fading photo

for two hundred years

Blogalaxia Tags: poetry literature

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! Leti home

These serve to put our thread, scissors and Telit that we are using, and scattered and not have it all (as happens to me for example), but we can use to control the TV, on the other side carries the same design that you like them??

Sunday, December 26, 2010

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You only have to go to his wonderful blog, which is and leave a comment if you have blog, announcing the draw, and the beautiful valisette has ended can be yours (or mine), you never know, I would make me really happy. You
you could see all the little things that make true works of art, and will know a bit more about it and I know in person and I can only say he has a huge human quality.
Well, I roll it up, and know, are LETI HOME lottery. Once you know
try to put the picture of the valisette, I encantaaaaa!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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Merry Christmas and Happy 2011

Christmas Eve On the eve of the team that make up the Top Ten of HR I want to wish you to spend a happy holiday, a beloved Christmas and wish that 2011 be a better year for all, with more work, more optimistically and with more enthusiasm.

A big hug and see you in January

Friday, December 10, 2010

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A golden opportunity

An old joke I like to tell you is that financial budgets are read first as soon as the Chinese and Arabs. That is, it starts with the number of results and goes up from game to game costs up to the most lopsided, then-and after-shock is read from right to left there until the concept that brings so great figure and checks that are the "staff costs".

Given this We actually have a golden opportunity to demonstrate our value contribution translated into euros. What our businesses need right now is an HR department to provide an agile and flexible to get the wage bill without losing on the road or talent or commitment. It is, as they say Americans do not lose the child from the drain of the tub when we pour the water.

Our contribution over the years are many and varied. To avoid boredom. We need to help plan and structure the organization in the most convenient. We have to influence decisions that affect people putting on the other side of the scale financial numbers in euros on talent and commitment. We provide criteria based on data and facts to help down from the figures to the names of individuals. We must provide alternatives in the way of doing things setting action plans that add talent and commitment and not to subtract. Action plans that include communication motives and consequences of the measures to be taken. Plans that offer flexible options for people and that involved in making decisions about the hows. Plans that help managers to cope successfully with changes, manage the attitudes of their teams and areas of contribution reconfigure. Here is our immediate and necessary contribution. How to avoid boredom.

important thing, however, is not the short term, be important, but what we achieve during the medium term. We measured the degree of flexibility within the organization at the beginning and end of our intervention. Our key contribution in the medium term will have helped make our organization more open, more flexible and faster and with greater ability to share information and make decisions so we will be recognized to HR our business, our anxieties and our desire to provide our results at this time, not to worry.

When not disappear at least tell us what that poor monk of a monastery can not remember. The prior sent put in his tomb an epitaph that read: "A Fray Anselmo sits here in his life and did nothing."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

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The realistic uncomfortable

I had the opportunity to attend a few days ago a paper on the competitive situation of our economy given by a person who had been CEO of one of the most important English companies, leading to level in its sector worldwide.

He asked the audience if we felt that our dear bull skin had the capacity to overcome the situation that was living. And the conclusion that arose was the same as has been argued in many articles and analysis done in recent months, we can if we are realistic and act with urgency.

And I came to the head then the criticism he received last year or year and a half the Governor of the Bank of Spain until very early in the crisis began to express opinions uncomfortable. Raged the disqualifications from all levels, especially from the Government and trade unions. The stubborn fact has given the reason much of what he said, his realism was not welcome. It is true that you can for some speculators we have become the duck against which point the shotgun, but perhaps have been more diligent, the storm had not been so strong.

last two days have been a heart attack, and today the beginning of the month, it announced a series of measures to show further strength to the markets, going back to "where I say that Diego" as the aid cut to long-term unemployed.

I hope now "realism" of some more listening. And our small-scale, practice active listening bother us, surely help us to overcome our blind spots.