Saturday, July 31, 2010

Can Baby Tylenol Cause Consti

contingency contemplative acceptance

should be a natural formula that would serve to define those moments when the whole world can be enclosed inside a car

Blogalaxia Tags:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Watchingmoviesfree.blogspo Jenna Jameson

Blogalaxia Tags: poetry photo

Monday, July 26, 2010

Do I Live In A Flood Zone Texas

City got off the car and was left behind zero tolerance

the city got off the car and was left behind

never thought we signed a contract with the future blind
but the streets were disgusted
and things close to his hands touched gently

gave final act of magic

urban meekly without applause

picture: Yelena Yemchuk
Blogalaxia Tags: poetry literature

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ap Lab Osmosis And Diffusion

Blogalaxia Tags:

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Storage Unit Auctions In Pittsburgh

the sound of a word evokes an image in different men

while the same sound in words evoke different images

more so in men of different times and

same thing
be imagined by different sounds of words

by different men in different times and places that

is the second expulsion from paradise

Blogalaxia Tags: poetry literature

Friday, July 23, 2010

End Stage Liver Disease Because Dialysis

Babel 'Belle', Alif Tree, 2006

images belong to the movies "The Adventure" and "Eclipse", with Italian actress Monica Vitti.

Blogalaxia Tags:

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Buying Trailor In Ontario

who is this that beckons from that boat?

who is this that beckons from that boat?
seems to me. when I was a sailor in the southern islands
as a pirate,
specialized diver trainer of dolphins and turtles equatorial
when I was on that island after the riot that

who looks at us from that balcony?
seems to me. when I grow up and live on the third floor where tree
, aviary designer
clouds let him sign from here, from this boat adventurer
then opens all the sails to the wind

art: Jean Mercler
Blogalaxia Tags: poetry literature

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Birthday Wish For A 18 Year Old Son

say that I speak little

straight to the point that I keep too many juicy details

think that this is not
is that, unlike many people
also like to hear

Blogalaxia Tags: poetry literature

Monday, July 19, 2010

Injuries Found In Ballerinas

say they speak little to break the routine

break the routine
drive out a Sunday night
aimlessly after showering
before go to bed put
husks and shorts and go to the ambiguity
go down the road listening to radio news
the ten
supermarket parking 24-hour car
enter anything
try fruit
carry a bag of croissants
300 grams of coffee grind
read labels as electric fanstasma
lost in corridors with other monsters that
cheat habits between moon and flowering

Blogalaxia Tags: poetry literature

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Biffy Clyro Sheet Music Piano

frankly do not know what to say

frankly do not know what to say
are on the brink of World War III
and nobody seems to notice anything
if they destroy the world
Do you think I'm going to re-create it?

- Nicanor Parra, Poetry Politics, 1983

Blogalaxia Tags: poetry literature

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Should You Sit Near A Printer

Gond art

Gond indigenous art, India

viewed at: BibliOdyssey
Blogalaxia Tags: art

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

How To Make A Reptile Misting System

summer is back to the Big Bang

summer is back to the Big Bang
the primary game with
architectures starry sky
our war
water balloons in a forest of crystals ingenious

Blogalaxia Tags: poetry literature